Ramps are intended to provide access from one roadway or roadway system to another with a minimum amount of conflict or interference from other traffic. The permit to own and operate a traffic control device shall be requested by and issued to only the appropriate municipality. (2)The free movement of normal highway traffic is not impaired. How It Works. (b)Additional grounds for revocation. Driveway Slope. This chapter separates driveways into four classifications, based on the amount of traffic they are expected to serve. These regulations are made pursuant to the State Highway Law (36 P. S. 670-101670-1102), especially section 420 thereof (36 P. S. 670-420). 247) (53 P. S. 1611), concerning environmental control measures related to pollution and the preservation of public natural resources. This curb shall be placed in line with existing curb or two feet back of the shoulder or ditch line on uncurbed highways. Roadway construction standardsDepartment Publication No. The provisions of this 441.8 amended November 27, 1981, effective October 17, 1981, 11 Pa. B. Issuance of a permit under these regulations does not relieve the permittee from any additional responsibility to secure other Federal, State, or local approvals or permits as may be required by law. (ii)Posted speeds shall be used unless operating speeds vary from the posted speed by more than ten miles per hour, in which case the Department may require that operating speeds be used. The Department will not grant or deny the permit application until 30 days after receipt of the written notice by the fee title holder. The term includes proposed streets, lanes, alleys, courts, and ways. (6)The other action as may be deemed necessary or proper after consultation with the Office of Chief Counsel. This chapter separates driveways into four classifications, based on the amount of traffic they are expected to serve. (4)Cost. (d)Property line clearance. Future additional driveways shall consist of the following: (i)If the Department anticipates that a property may be subdivided and that such subdivision will result in an unacceptable number or arrangement of driveways or both, the Department may require the property owner to enter into an access covenant (Form CC-14) prior to issuance of a permit. (2)The location of a driveway near a signalized intersection may include a requirement that the permittee provide, in cooperation with the municipality, new or relocated detectors, signal heads, controller and the like, for the control of traffic movements from the driveway. AccessA driveway, street or other means of passage of vehicles between the highway and abutting property, including acceleration and deceleration lanes and such drainage structures as may be necessary for the proper construction and maintenance thereof. (2)The permit issuance fee shall not be refundable on unused permits. (3)Figures 7, 8, and 9 show two sets of design values. (5)Grade requirements where curbs and sidewalks are present. (B)apartments with five units or less. (c)Driveways adjacent to intersections. (iv)High volume driveway, see Figure 10. Driveways shall be located, designed, constructed and maintained in such a manner as not to interfere or be inconsistent with the design, maintenance and drainage of the highway. (2)The distance from the edge of pavement of the intersecting highway to the radius of the first permitted driveway shall be a minimum of 20 feet on curbed highways and 30 feet on uncurbed highways. (C)When the highway grade in the section to be used for acceleration after leaving the driveway descends at 3.05.0%, sight distance in the direction of approaching descending highway traffic may be reduced by a factor of 0.6. It shall be extended around the driveway radii to the right-of-way line. DrivewayEvery entrance or exit used by vehicular traffic to or from properties abutting a highway. (15)Damage to highway. (g)Requesting permit time extension. highway and the sight distance (in feet) to the equipment from behind is less . The Department may require design details which are more stringent than those specified in this chapter to insure the safe and efficient operation of any proposed driveway. (v)If the permitted work is the proximate cause of damage to the highway, including slope or any other appurtenance thereto, beyond the adjacent area, the permittee shall be responsible for all remedial work and shall make all temporary and permanent restoration. SEG. (3)Figures 7, 8, and 9 show two sets of design values. If at any time it shall be found by the Department that the work is not being done or has not been properly performed, the permittee upon being notified in writing by the Department shall immediately take the necessary steps, at its own expense, to place the work in condition to conform to such requirements or standards. (ii)a reference to a standard drawing found in Publication 43 or Publication 90, provided the referenced standard drawing properly depicts the work area and completely addresses the needed traffic control. When required by the permit, a speed change lane of sufficient length and width shall be constructed to allow vehicles to safely decelerate or accelerate when entering or leaving the property. (ii)direct additional drainage of surface water onto or into the highway right-of-way or highway facilities in a way which would have a detrimental effect on the highway or highway facilities. Although the Department of Transportation had authority to approve satisfactory completion of roadwork authorized by its permit, regulations did not confer upon the Department the authority to permit landowner to open and operate a new land use; Township had authority to enforce its zoning ordinance and land development regulations, and had final approval of the land development and issuance of the required certificate of occupancy. All other requirements of this chapter shall be complied with before the local road will be allowed access onto a State highway. Meets 441 minimum safe stopping sight distance (Ch. Frontage widthThe distance along the right-of-way line in front of an abutting property. (D)When the road descends at greater than 5.0%, sight distance may be reduced by a factor of 0.5. Conditions for sight distance shall be as follows: (1)Access driveways shall be located at a point within the property frontage limits which provides at least the minimum sight distance listed in the appropriate following table: Table 1Safe Sight Distance for passenger cars and single unit trucks exiting from driveways onto two-lane roads. (2)If the property frontage exceeds 600 feet, the permit may authorize an additional driveway. Restoration of highway shall include the following: (i)If there is a failure of the highway, including slope or any other appurtenance thereto, in the immediate area of the permitted work within two years after the completion of the permitted work and there is no similar failure of the highway beyond the area adjacent to the area of the permitted work, the permittee shall have absolute responsibility to make all temporary and permanent restoration including restoration of the adjacent area if it has also failed. This area shall remain free of any obstructions which may interfere with a clear line of vision for entering or exiting vehicles. 1 Measured from a vehicle ten feet back of the pavement edge to a vehicle approaching in the outside lane. Requirements for curbing shall conform with the following: (1)The permit may require the installation of curbing wherever it is required to control access or drainage, or both. (B)When the highway grade ascends at greater than 5.0%, sight distance may be increased by a factor of 1.7. The permittee shall, at his own expense, install and maintain all nonelectrically powered traffic control devices, as specified in the permit, which are required to provide for the safe and orderly movement of vehicular or pedestrian traffic, or both. Permittee Required to Obtain All Required Approvals or Permits. SecretaryThe Secretary of the Department. (iii)If the equipment damages the pavement or shoulders, the permittee shall restore the pavement or shoulders to their former condition, at the expense of the permittee. Materials used in the construction of driveways shall meet the requirements of Form 408. Approval by the Departments inspector of all or part of any permitted work shall not constitute acknowledgment that the work was performed in accordance with the permit, nor shall such approval of the inspector act as a release of the permittee or waiver by the Department of its right to seek performance or restitution by the permittee. (i)The permittee shall provide and maintain all necessary precautions to prevent injury or damage to persons and property in accordance with instructions furnished by the district office. (e)Number of driveways. PermitA highway occupancy permit (Form M-945P) issued by a district office pursuant to this chapter. Please be as descriptive as possible on the details screen so we can share your feedback with the appropriate personnel. 441.8(h)(2)(iv)) Driveway location maximizes sight distance Justification provided for sight distance values that are less than the safe sight distance values Parked cars obstruct sight line for exiting vehicles? (3)Where the highway is curbed, driveway approaches shall be installed 1 1/2 inches above the adjacent highway or gutter grade to maintain proper drainage. The area between the edge of the pavement and the right-of-way line shall be kept clear of all buildings, sales exhibits, business signs, vehicles, service equipment and similar items. 72 containing the Departments design standards for roadway construction. Stabilized materialAny aggregate such as aggregate cement, aggregate bituminous or lime pozzyolan, placed in such a manner as to provide a smooth, stable, all-weather surface not subject to undue raveling. Except for joint-use driveways, no portion of any access shall be located outside of the property frontage boundary line. (2)Left turn stand-by lanes. See Figure 6. The permittee shall fully indemnify and save harmless and defend the Commonwealth, its agents and employes, of and from all liability for damages or injury occurring to any person or persons or property through or in consequence of any act or omission of any contractor, agent, servant, employe, or person engaged or employed in, about, or upon the work, by, at the instance, or with the approval or consent of the permittee; from any failure of the permittee or any such person to comply with the permit or this chapter; and, for a period of two years after completion of the permitted work, from the failure of the highway in the immediate area of the work performed under the permit where there is no similar failure of the highway beyond the area adjacent to the area of the permitted work. (2)When two access driveways are constructed on the same property frontage and used for one-way operation, each of these driveways may be placed at an angle less than a right angle, but not less than 45 degrees to the highway, except that along divided highways where no openings are allowed in the median the minimum angle of an exit driveway may be 30 degrees, as shown in Figure 12. Stopping sight distanceThe distance required by a driver traveling at a given speed to stop the vehicle after an object on the roadway becomes visible to the driver. (iii)Medium volume driveway, see Figures 9, 11, and 12. (7)The number of vehicles per day which are expected to utilize each proposed driveway. Table 4Safe Sight Distance for buses and combinations exiting from driveways onto four and six-lane roads. (h)Sight distance. (b)Who may apply for a permit. Sight distance is adequate to safely allow each permitted movement to be made into or out of the access driveway. (i)Grade of access driveway. (1)A refund processing fee of $10 shall be deducted from the general permit inspection fees. Dimensions shall be selected from the range of values shown on the appropriate figure, unless site conditions warrant a deviation. (D)O.S.H.A. (m)Newspaper or mail receptacles. No part of the information on this site may be reproduced forprofit or sold for profit. A permit shall be valid for a six-month period or multiples thereof as specified on the permit. FDM 11-10-5.1 when evaluating driveways and road/street connections for intersection sight distance(ISD) and vision corner requirements. Medium volume drivewayA driveway used or expected to be used by more than 750 but less than 1500 vehicles per day. (l)Driveways relative to ramps. (5)Charitable organizations which are exempt from or in compliance with act of August 9, 1963, P. L. 628, No. This will eliminate the need for depressing the back edge of the sidewalk. All driveways and adjacent areas within the highway right-of-way shall be continuously maintained by the property owner so as to conform to the permit and so as not to interfere or be inconsistent with the design, maintenance, and drainage of the highway, or the safe and convenient passage of traffic upon the highway. This section cited in 67 Pa. Code 441.4 (relating to permit fees). changes effective through 52 Pa.B. The longitudinal grade of the sidewalk shall not exceed two inches per foot. CommonwealthThe Commonwealth of Pennsylvania. (3) The driveway will not create a hazard. (iv)When the sidewalk is directly against the back of the curb and the sidewalk is at least five feet wide, the curb shall be sloped as shown in Figure 5 of this subsection. Driveways serving properties located adjacent to a highway intersection shall be subject to the following: (1)There shall be a minimum ten foot tangent distance between the intersecting highway radius and the radius of the first permitted driveway. Permits will not normally be issued for occupancy of or access to any limited access highway. (j)Review by municipalities, planning commissions, and zoning boards. (i)The driveway approaches shall be installed 1 1/2 inches above the adjacent roadway or the gutter grade to maintain proper drainage. Although driveway opening on to State highway was established prior to promulgation of the regulations, the regulation could be applied retroactively to reasonably limit ingress and egress since property is held subject to valid police power regulations made, and to be made, for the health and comfort of the people. Department of Transportation v. Longo, 510 A.2d 832 (Pa. Cmwlth. PennDOT LTAP technical INFORMATION SHEET#137 REVIS ED SUMMER/2014 400 North Street, 6th Floor . 1990). When required, auxiliary lanes shall be constructed, at no cost to the Department, in accordance with the Roadway Construction Standards and Form 408. The available corner sight distance on side roads is less than the necessary stopping sight-distance values . The provisions of this 441.3 amended August 3, 2018, effective August 4, 2018, 48 Pa.B. Sight distance values less than desirable will be accepted only if it is impossible to achieve the desirable value by locating the driveway at any point within the property frontage boundaries. (3)If, in the opinion of the Department, there is a high probability that vehicles would otherwise utilize a portion of the property frontage other than the approved driveway to gain access to the property, the permit may require curbing or other physical barriers to be constructed. (iv)Driveway angle relative to the highway. Recommenda ons Review each situation to determine the impact on the environment of altering roadway grades to meet specific standards. 1986); affirmed 518 A.2d 265 (Pa. 1986). (c)Revocation procedure. Further work may not commence in the permitted area until the violation has been remedied. (2)When two access driveways are constructed on the same property frontage and used for one-way operation, each of these driveways may be placed at an angle less than a right angle, but not less than 45 degrees to the highway, except that along divided highways where no openings are allowed in the median the minimum angle of an exit driveway may be 30 degrees, as shown in Figure 12. (2)The radii of internal curves shall be as large as possible to allow a direct movement from the highway into a proper position to obtain service or parking without any interference to other vehicles attempting the same maneuver.