It may be that you feel ashamed of yourself or parts of your personality. Uranus square Pluto from 2012 to 2015 was the most significant and most challenging planetary influence in a generation. 7 Astrology Placements That Reveal Powerful, Magnetic People 03 Mar 2023 15:33:16 This native will be strong in sticking to goals. since the eight hoes deals with sex they dont easily let people have sexual relations with them - but once they do they want to make themselves unforgettable. Virgo Venus trine Capricorn Saturn 0 orb, Pisces Moon trine Scorpio Sun & Scorpio Mercury rx, Scorpio Sun opposite Taurus Lilith 23:48 EST, Pisces Moon 20 conjunct Pisces Neptune 18 (2 orb)- 0535 EST, Scorpio Mercury rx opposite Taurus Lilith- 0633 EST, Pisces Moon 20 sextile Capricorn Jupiter 20 (exact 0 orb)- 0950 EST , Pisces Moon 20 sextile Capricorn Pluto 2 2 (2 orb)- 1353 EST. Your natal chart is meticulously calculated which is what produces the beautiful soul you are. Conjunctions to Venus are the most powerful indicators. ~By planet: A prominent Venus and Neptune quicken the aesthetic sense and the imagination. They tend to have high expectations from themselves and their relationships, so there can be a lot of criticism. Do very very exact aspects (on the same degree,without orbs)fit this? Virgo encourages an intellectual curiosity about health and healing techniques. There are a handful of "asteroids" (just like the Sun and Moon are classified as Planets . And, sure enough, shes got some Leo going on: the Moon and the North Node in the eighth house of sex and other peoples money. please give credits if reposting my work. The conjunction and opposition are most potent, and the trine and sextile are powerful, as well. You may struggle to dream big which will affect ambition. Mars can also dominate a chart in the opposite situation: When it makes no aspects whatsoever. The Romantic Comedy You Should Watch This Valentines Day, Based On Your ZodiacSign, What to Know About Each Astrology Aspect / ConjunctionAstrology, Everything to Know About the Midheaven inAstrology, This Is What Each Zodiac Signs Ruling Planet Reveals AboutThem, Heres Every Zodiac Signs Horoscope For August2021, The Sun Sign: What It Is, How To Navigate It, AndMore. With two major celestial bodies in the same fixed water sign of Scorpio, this energy can reveal hidden aspects in our personal relationships. Use the high Scorpianic vibrations of the Suns rays to heal yourself and have a powerful transformation this season! Notify me of follow-up comments by email. TripleAqua tumblr blog @tripleaqua, Edit: I apologize I set this post late by accident (Mercury retrograde ). The trine between the Moon & Sun creates an energy that emphasizes on our intuition. He can make long term plans and achieve, particularly when it comes to career. if they have saturn in their 12H it could indicate their dad being absent which now leads them to being overprotective of their kids and being possessive of the thought of being a better parent than someone else will be/is. You have a sixth sense and don't shy away from using it (unless other planets in your chart adversely aspect it). Todays outcome will have uncertainty & shifty grounds. I like to use Whole House system so that will help determine which house is ruled by Capricorn for you. Share this with others to see what talent they hold as well! Being born with a heavy planet such as Pluto on IC often represents a difficult/traumatic upbringing. Guess what? (The specific areas near the Midheaven are the ninth house and first ten degrees of the tenth. Also, planets in the first house can bestow considerable charisma, which is often the defining trait of a successful CEO. In the natal chart, this house is connected with the collective unconscious, spirituality, inspiration, and secrets. With Moon opposite/square Saturn, there can be patterns of depression, fear of rejection and self loathing. Currently you have JavaScript disabled. Keep up with Nikki on Instagram, Twitter, TikTok and scorpio in our chart shows what were possessive over, scorpio in 1st: scorpio in 1H can indicate that a person is very self protective. they get possessive over their social image and their looks. Jupiter is a planet of luck and whenever Jupiter is in a favorable . their toxic trait is violence they possibly are proud of.. theyre very forgiving people who dont have morals. Healing will begin to take place when you can see the best in people and the world around you again. Look especially for Gemini, Leo, and Aquarius in the 11th house. You can also struggle finding where you fit into the world and spend a great deal of time feeling like an outcast. However, no amount of money is going to make up for what is hurting. With both Venus & Mercury entering Libra within minutes apart, a break from any negative astrological transits should be in order. These are the traditional markers that point to the ability to amass money and material goods, whether through your own efforts or through sheer good luck: ~Planets in the second and eighth houses. cancer/taurus moon, moon in 2nd, moon-jupiter/moon-venus aspects, laying Lies can be another method of escape for Neptune square Mercury. You may find yourself rebelling often and not working as hard as you may need to. Sun conjunct Mercury. With square and opposition aspects, intense sexual energies are also . This is an easy flowing energy, and if you are planning on getting married, THIS IS THE BEST ASPECT TO HAVE A VOW OF MARRIAGE!! The Sun will be joining Mercury in Scorpio still retrograding until October 27th. Makes life a lot easier when we know the problems before they happen! This Scorpio Season has the potential to be enlightening & all around positive due to the squares to the Capricorn stellium & Opposition to Aries Mars rx ending. Then, the Pluto stare emerged and remained for the entire Godfather series. 1. Thus, Earth is our frame of reference, the center of the birth chart. We may show interest in socializing, traveling, being more adventurous and involving others., This aspect will make today go by very quickly. Conversations could reveal the truth or shine light on a subject that needs to be looked into further. The Basic House Rulers23 Simple Steps for Beginners. This is a collective aspect. What makes these aspects one of the most difficult to work with is that they are associated with low self worth. Where do extraordinary qualities come from? Emotions like this are when you see your intuitive side which is all your moon sign is. Im not sure I believe that. People with their midheaven in this grounded sign. I thought it was very insightful. Viewing aspects to the fixed stars. Moon transits occur approximately every two days. cate blanchett, mercury opposite mars, married to an australian playwright. However, I think there are aspects that make for strength. ~By house: Look for activity in the third house of communication, the ninth house of publication, and the fifth house of creativity. If Juno is aspected by another planet, these issues may be colored by the energy of that planet. As always, Saturn craves whatever planetary principle it touches, and Moon-Saturn individual craves nurturance, a home, and a family. scorpio in fourth: this indicates someone whos their mommys son/princess and they get possessive over her over time more than she is over them. Look to where the desire of perfectionism is holding you back. Concentration can be a big issue as their mind seem to constantly wander into the Neptunian fantasies. moon-saturn/moon-neptune aspects, people they refuse to share their secrets with others so theyre very selfish when it comes to their privacy because they value it a lot, scorpio in ninth: their surroundings are everything to them. A conjunct aspect between Sun and Mercury in one's natal chart reveals a powerful mind that grasps information very quickly. Most midheaven placements have a corresponding ascendant sign, so someone with the same rising as you is likely to pursue a similar career path. This means communication with the people we love needs to be open & honest. prettywonder9 liked this. All in all, there will be a feeling of gratitude for all of those you love. Emotions run high, so unexplained crying or overreactions can become present. Learning about new things and experiences will liberate you. Many people who get a first glance cant tell based on the archetypical characteristics of my sign (which I will get to in a moment). Once the lesson is learned, heavy burdens can be shifted to mentality of purpose. Time, space, and matter are all what science calls a continuum, so it makes sense that the exact time and place different celestial objects were when you were born influence the energies embodied in your spirit. It is 0.04 degree apart and off the Asc by about 3 degrees. Pluto dominant You are worthy of love, even if somebody didnt give it to you. It can bring up issues from September (when Mercury was in Libra then) and invite us to review the lessons we went through before entering intense, deep Scorpio for a second time. "It may be someone who was a warrior in another . You may find that others take advantage of you often. Be sure to double check any reservations or planning with Mercury & Mars still in retrograde! Mercury lends quickness. You may have become uninspired and bored over time. Where is Saturn causing your limitations and lessons? Your email address will not be published. If you are the one doing the forcing, step back and realize that you are forcing your way of doing things on someone else and this is taking away from their authenticity. ~By house: The most crucial placements related to health are the sixth house of health and service; the eighth house of surgery, research, death, and rebirth; and the twelfth house of secrets and hospitals. First I will interpret the Uranus square Pluto in the natal chart, then Uranus square Pluto transit. The pattern resembles the letter T when viewed in the chart. Chiron in Aries and/or the 1st house. These aspects can indicate a love that lasts forever. their 8H being in virgo and if its aspecting their 10H in scorpio also makes them very possessive and territorial over their partners. Think Putin and you have Pluto conjunct the MC. Before I do ones chart, they often express to me that they dont fully resonate with their sun sign. Financial struggles are common and you may find that you are trying to use material items, comforts or sensuality to replace what is missing. This placement can cause you to be overly critical of yourself and others. 2. ~By planet: A prominent Venus and Neptune quicken the aesthetic sense and the imagination. For example, I am a Virgo ascendant. You may crave change and excitement but are too scared to actually go after it. Anyone can learn it. For example, if you're a Scorpio, your Mercury sign is. As an adult with Venus square/opposite/inconjunct Saturn, they may may take on more obligations than they should in relationships. It can be used to gain insight into a person's personality, relationships, and purpose in life. Juno's position by house and sign is an indication of the area of life in which these issues will be most important. Stabilizing yourself in your own thoughts and mind can bring you a sense of freedom. We cant avoid life lessons, but we can do our best to change our mentality. Love is freely given, it is unconditional- but these people may feel that they have to work for love, or there is always a burden/cost that comes with being in love. Your ascendant sign is what sign was over the eastern horizonat the time of your birth. The Meaning Of Asteroids In Astrology. Those who were born with Mars square Uranus aspect can often struggle with temper and impulse control, which can put them in potentially dangerous situations if they cant keep their explosive energy in check. when rihanna said she can beat me but she cannot beat my outfit you knew it applied to scorpio in 1H/scorpio ascendants. People who have this sign strong in their birth charts are extremely sensitive and have a very strong intuition. Originally posted by samuelantonioroncalminano. The tremendous drive and ambition of this aspect, plus endless energy reserves and perseverance, means that you can meet your goal of power and influence. Healing will come when you let go of the control and allow room for error, as well as making time for yourself without setting the bar so high. ). Neptune conjunct the ascendant . Load and behold, my Virgo rising makes me slightly more reserved and logical. So, if two planets in a square aspect (90 degrees = exact) and the actual number of . 28) Rahu in 3rd house can make one celebrity in life provided Venus and Sun is strong in Horoscope. I love you and hope you write to me to say hello or to ask questions. This can make us hypersensitive, which can weaken our nervous system and create unknown or easily influenced anxiety. The world may seem like a lot to take in and really grasp. And since Mercury retrograde is causing delays, inner thinking, & technical difficulties, its time to stay home, put on a documentary, and swim in your thoughts. cellists_wet_dream 4 yr. ago Ooh are kites really special? Inner stress and tension can cause dismay and plans to not go as smoothly as you wanted. Our souls essence doesnt really surface itself until life experiences dig that part of ourselves up to be exposed. 1. one who have only one element in their chart, full water, full fire. You might have difficulty accepting yourself or parts of yourself. Later on, they may also experience clashes with authority figures. Conjunction: has a powerful, strong personality, others see them as commanding, a visible influence/aura, an all-or-nothing personality, doesnt allow others to push them around, tends to be intense, transformation tends to come powerfully throughout their life. (This is the case for daily astrology influences involving inner planets, which pass quickly, and not natal astrology aspects, which are with us for a lifetime). example(s): natasha richardson, mars opposite saturn, was married to liam neeson, 11 years his junior. It indicates a need to take measures towards self-discovery. Quite fortunate cause people would most likely trust their word as they are old souls. Moon in 12th. To calculate yours, I recommend Astrotheme. For a better experience, please enable JavaScript in your browser before proceeding. mars-mercury aspects = attracted to a man who is detail-oriented, a writer, men who embrace the sensorial nature of mercury. Equally important is Scorpio, the sign of power politics, covert operations, and self-control. Sometimes, natal Mars square Uranus people can take such drastic actions without giving too much thought on consequences for themselves and others. A focus on goals of the future, planning, brainstorming, and social gatherings may be in order. demi lovato, venus square mars, dates wilmer valderrama, constantly boasts about his previous & excessive romantic endeavors. 1. There may be conflicts in social relationships. When Pluto, the planet of transformation and rebirth, comes into conjunction with Venus, the planet of love, beauty, and relationships, there can be a strong attraction that borders on obsession. These 12 aspects were collectively referred to as Super Aspects, and gave everyone who was born with one of them a jump-start on achieving the maximum success. A more reserved Gemini or an extremely outgoing Pisces is likely due to a different ascendant. moon in 7th. Their manifestion is STRONGER in a tighter orb. You may often feel as though there is an overwhelming amount of pressure and responsibility on your shoulders. 2023 by Going Places. 27) Saturn-Jupiter if aspects each other in horoscope or in conjunction sitting together in any house will give wealth from the age of 34 till the old age. I would suggest looking at the areas of your life this effects the most (everything to do with your 3rd and 4th Houses) and then mapping out solutions to difficulties. NJ Kaiulani. These people obviously have something special and maybe you do too. Losing yourself will bring the struggle of finding your individuality once again. Likes wearing red. With natal Chiron conjunct Ascendant, there is a deep rooted insecurity that causes them pain. Meanwhile, Leos are known for performance and drama. I basically have two degrees one in global studies and the other in education. Hes a Leo (of course) with Venus in the first house in sociable Libra, the sign it rules. You also may have problems asserting yourself with others. This can cause accidents and injuries. You will find healing when you begin making choices based on what is best for you and keeping your identity present and well-known. Its something else: She has the astrological fingerprint for fame. In some cases, pain was integrated if mother had a difficult birth. since theyre so used to huge attention they get possessive over it (plus 5H is a leo house so they want the attention on them only). Healing will come when you are more comfortable speaking your mind and stop limiting yourself around others. Being born with a heavy planet such as Pluto on IC often represents a difficult/traumatic upbringing. This heavyweight pal creates ~expansion~ wherever it goes, making . What Are Orbs? This is a good time for Earth focused rituals and spells. Libra is ruled by Venus. Betrayal is the achilles heel of Moon square/opposite Pluto. Its a great time for finding love and socializing. It may not display this or other websites correctly. Therefore a difficult aspect in a birth chart is not a curse and it can always be healed and transformed. Mars/Saturn 7H also deals with business so they might be possessive over their belongings and give backhanded compliments to those who have similar goals as them, scorpio in eight: similar to scorpio in the 1H theyre also very self protective. How are Fortune 500 CEOs different from you and me (other than the fact that they fly around in private jets)? Sun conjunct Mercury. I am a Sun/Mercury dominant over here. While aspects such as sextiles and trines grant us harmony and flow- harsh aspects like squares and opposition can indicate what we are struggling with, and how we can work with them. There can be recurring episodes of depression and inner rage. When this aspect is mutual, the love is even stronger. 3-Is the aspect with the tighter orb the dominant in one's chart,manifesting itself in one's life in a more proeminent way or even domineering one's life sometimes? I do not use Chiron or Lilith so I cannot give you an accurate assessment of that. Athletes, like artists, benefit from a touch of Leo not because it advances athletic ability (Leos, I have noticed, can be amazingly klutzy) but because it stimulates the love of performance. Im a hunter, leader, and intuitively driven being. The most active and potent houses in the birth chart are the 1st, 10th, 7th, 4th, 11th and 5th houses (in that order). also reblog and tell me your experience with periods and the condition of your moon!! Angelina Jolie, whose very name advertises her prettiness, has Venus closely conjunct her Ascendant. 2. one house with stellium. (0 degrees 2 minutes). Jupiter, Uranus, and Pluto confer power. A lack of sensitivity may have you coming off as arrogant and can push people away unless you remember to take others feelings into consideration. These people are unique and energetic thrill seekers, and they cant stand anything that restricts their personal freedom- conformity, rules, compromise, etc. I have Jupiter (first house) conjunct my part of fortune in an 0.0 orb. they cherish their natural beauty and fear someone else meeting their level of beauty. Overconfidence, grandiosity, lack of humility, and/or extreme discontent in modest circumstances may be your faults. Not surprisingly, as a public personality, she has to work harder to make her case. You may be digging for internal security and creating your own standards. This can cause intense negativity but being present in the moment can actually bring an intense triumph in evolvement! People with this aspect tend to side with abstract ideas rather than common logic- which gives them a very strange and unique perspective but on the other hand, their thinking can be quite unrealistic and distorted when it comes to practical matters. You may feel guilt when caring for yourself. This energy will make you feel invincible but be sure to ration it out properly or it will cause emotional and physical exhaustion.. Yet, at the same time, you probably crave social interaction and rarely like to be alone. This is preferable for psychic abillities. I find I can effortlessly see others and my own motives clearly. However, Ive noticed my Leo traits rapidly develop the older I get. A well-placed Sun gives vitality. My chart ruler (moon in 8th). This aspect could give you the possibility of a personal transformation! So, for example, if you had a Scorpio rising and Pluto in Sagittarius in your birth chart, you would refer to "Pluto in Sagittarius" as your chart ruler, as Pluto is your . This energy can bring us to a decision that needs to be made in our lives. Venus-Neptune aspects Venus-Neptune aspects are among the strongest indicators of musical talent in astrology. We may show our more sensual side, and even a mythical, earthy part of us can shine through. Pluto enhancement of the Sun 4. You may find yourself over-compensating with dramatic displays or a lively personality for what you feel is lacking in yourself. mightve been catcalled in the past since their body language draws attention to them easily! A house is active either when it holds one or more planets or when its ruler is in a prominent position. they usually tend to be antisocial or they seem unapproachable. In this sense, it is a weak position. sun-moon/moon-ascendant aspects, periods Trine/Sextile: the power to change anything with their level of willpower and strength, a true survival instinct, the combination of endurance and power, they are driven and can get anything done that they want to, has the ability to bring about huge transformation just by wanting it enough. their partner showing them they actually care for them makes them act psychotic over them. Donald Trump is one of the most famous. Also keep in mind that they are not written in a particular order. Look for the Sun, Moon, Ascendant, Midheaven, or Venus in those signs. For example, my moon is also in Leo. . Aspects can have a good and a bad side. Indicators of Being Powerful in the Natal Chart. For time's sake, I'm focusing this piece on what I consider the four most important aspects of your chart sun, moon, ascendant, and midheaven signs. For example, while a generally positive aspect such as natal Jupiter conjunct Moon manifests itself with expansive generosity and optimism, they may also do have a tendency to do things in excess. Astrology is an accumulated body of knowledge not the mystic ability to intercept messages from the spirit world. I like recognition for my hard work and like my ideas to be heard, but attracting attention is not so much my thing. Out of these, the angular houses (1st, 4th, 7th, and 10th) in particular tend to be the most active. He found that creative writers are more likely than nonwriters to have the Moon in one of the so-called zones of power: either overhead (that is, in the ninth house or conjunct the Midheaven in the tenth) or rising (in the first house conjunct the Ascendant or in the twelfth house of secrets and solitude). example(s): jean harlow, mars opposite neptune, married harold rosson, famous cinematographer forthe wizard of oz. ashlee simpson, mars conjunct neptune, was married to pete wentz, has bipolar disorder and has spoken out on his drug abuse. Ami, Christian Psychic Readings & Astrology Charts for All Faiths. There may be a desire to travel or plan a trip. For instance, I dont know whether Lance Armstrong has an angular Mars. scorpio 2H people usually dont let many people become close to them but once they found people that actually reach their standard they get overprotective over them and possessive. 7 Astrology Placements That Reveal Powerful, Magnetic People 03 Mar 2023 15:19:15 thankyou very much for your insight astro teacher. There may be an intense competitive streak or a fear of failure. Optimistic & feeling good. You will begin healing once you take leaps and begin to grow and progress within yourself. Leo/5th House: Self-Esteem and Expression tends to be wounded with this placement. Its a good idea to travel and take yourself out of your comfort zone. The third decan is 20 degrees to 29 59'59" of a sign. scorpio in fifth: these people are the true charmers and attract sexual energy easily. Sometimes, they can even do this as a coping mechanism to escape from uncomfortable burden of reality. If the birth chart is the map of our life, natal aspects can show us our strengths and weaknesses, so we can gain a better understanding of ourselves. Look to. With this aspect, the reverse images of the same energy are brought into . You can have a hard time with ideas of life and death, maybe even a fear of one or the other. If Mars promotes athletic ability, Venus amplifies beauty, particularly when it is: ~Conjunct the Ascendant, the Sun, the Moon, the Midheaven, or the ruler of the Ascendant. I have articles on these, if you want more information. These soft aspects deepen the intimacy shared by the couple, but not in the powerful, obsessive or destructive way, like the conjunction. Ive interpreted numerous birth charts. They dont feel attractive enough, confident enough or successful enough, so they find it hard to express themselves to the world. example(s): meryl streep, mercury conjunct mars, long-time marriage to a sculptor. You see these positions in the charts of Muhammad Ali and Tiger Woods, both Capricorns. You may have difficulty with the ideas of purpose. The squared planet/point is referred to as the focal planet. As a result, natal Sun square Moon people subconsciously integrate their parents behaviors as their own inner voice. Athleticism, like other talents, is an amalgamation of many factors. Shes got two of them, including Jupiter, her ruling planet. All will experience an optimistic look of life and that everything will work out in their favor. It feels at home with contradictions and hidden motivations, and it loves to ferret out a mystery and thats what astrology is all about. You might even crave intense situations or people but have trouble showing your true self to others. Thats why we associate certain zodiac signs with different months. Most important to me is that you find Jesus. This is a hard subject. When analyzing a lagna chart, it is important to consider the placements of each planet as they affect the overall . Dont step on his toe without a very good reason. Aquarius heightens humanitarian concern. Feelings of abandonment are common here. What goes into the chart of a world-class beauty, a groundbreaking artist, a celebrity, or a billionaire? Trines (120 degrees) aspects to Venus will also show you areas of making money in an easy way--almost without effort. I don't need anything from you, except to serve you. Perhaps the family struggled with their finances, or the child had to take care of others. Capricorn is ruled by Saturn. Writers block or other creative blocks can be present here as well. they truly believe that everything happens for a reason and whatever lifestyle they desire they truly believe they are meant for. theyre possessive over being seen since they couldve been the kid thats not being payed attention to and as they grow older they realize they need recognition in order to be seen and gain attention. This energy will restore our mental and physical energy.