I just decided to go cold turkey, and let the ugly warm brown tones grow out without tampering with the color. No, no, and no. Going Gray During Lockdown? The plan was to frost it again in a few months if it needed better blending-but we didnt need to. This can be your sister, mom, friend, husband, wife or finding anyone else who is going gray to connect with. I go every 5 weeks, but the last two weeks before my appointment isnt very attractive because I see the gray roots. I have been colouring my hair for the last 20 years and most recently have had to colour every 2-3 weeks. She did fade my hair somewhat without damaging it (I have dark brown hair), but she said the safest thing is to do this over a period of months to avoid damage. The amazing women in my life tell me every day how stunning and sophisticated I look. SITE CREDIT. Their tutorials and advice are priceless! Maybe you can relate. Im still sexy, funny, powerful, and most of all Im still me.~Alethiea W. I believe if one knows themselves, has self-confidence, it makes the transition easier when outside noise tries to interfere. I decided to stop coloring about 4 months ago because I estimated that I have spent around $27,600 on hair color over 26 years and, also, I hate that grow out skunk line at my part. For anyone planning on growing out gray hair or for anyone wondering how long it will take, I would say to plan on a solid 2 years for the grays to grow past your chin. The next thing I knew I heard myself say, Hi! My plan is to use temporary hair color (the kind that washes out after 28 shampoos) for one year. I was DONE! Save. Hey, gals - it has been TWENTY-ONE freaking months of growing out my grey hair cold turkey. I look forward to having long, natural hair once again. I stopped the colouring about 4 months ago and while I do like the silver/grey at 90% , I am still not used to seeing myself yet. I've been dying my hair since the age of 21. My hair was breaking off and falling . When autocomplete results are available use up and down . Let me tell you, with the conviction of a thousand men and in my deepest heart of hearts I just knew I would NEVER stop dying my hair. PROS & CONS TO THE COLD TURKEY GRAY GROWOUT METHOD. Normalizing the Conversation, Tips for Building the Perfect Charcuterie Board, The Going Gray Makeover: Gray Hair and Makeup Tips, Zero-Waste Makeup: 5 Eco-Friendly Products for A Sustainable Beauty | Revolution Gray, Finding Love in Your 50s | Revolution Gray, Low-Key Ways To Ease Back Into Exercising As You Age | Revolution Gray, Fitness After 50: 10 Must-Have Items To Kick-Start Your Fitness Routine in 2023. I feel I'm putting rubbish over platinum. It was like a metamorphosis. Those are some of the online and offline activities that help women with gray hair thrive and live their lives to the fullest! For women who want to go gray cold turkey or who have always used hair color from a box at the drugstore, Vaczi and Crosby offered some tips. Click SHOW MORE to Open Shopping Links and Helpful Blog Post Links BelowIf you are going gray cold turkey from dark brunette hair, take my advice and a. If you dont have any of that, consider joining The Gray Book. We get excited just to see each other embrace our true selves; we have built bonds that I never thought would be possible in the virtual world! I started dyeing my hair around 20 years old. People from all over the globe supporting, empowering, encouraging, motivating and inspiring each other in so many ways became a movement! I am reading this and it speaks as if it was I speaking. Going to my regular coloring appoint today though and going to see about lowlights? Hope I dont change my mind:). It was absolutely thrilling. At first, I started to get the stares. I'm seriously thinking of taking the plunge, too! So, now I am tired of coloring (after 4 years) but dont know if I can deal with negative comments especially from my children. Pure bliss!~Laura C. My best words of wisdom for your full transition to gray hair are ones I say repeatedly: You will never know what youve got until you grow it out. My hairdresser is on board and has lightened me up in an attempt to reduce my skunk stripe as it gradually gets wider!! They don't understand that it is a growing out process and will take time. I'm glad there are so many of us to lend support to each other! My children are in their 20s and both have a lot of grey hair. It was becoming a trend, and I thought it was absolutely beautiful. I got so fed up having to do my roots now every 2 weeks. And it's been a blast! However, my stylist keeps telling me she cant add silver or grey, so Dianne Farb, what did your stylist add to help you with the transition? For a very long time, my hair will be two tones and I am not sure what I will look like. Being more comfortable in my own skin means also that people are more comfortable with me. They are teenagers now and I had another baby (a boy) last year at the ripe old age of 44! Im 5 months into transitioning to my natural color. I'm going to be 44 in a week and my hair has been going grey since my twenties. PS the relief of not doing my hair every two/three weeks is worth the 60 I spend on a t section blow dry and cut every 8 weeks do the maths x. Hello. Thanks for seeing us all through the tough transition! I LOVE, LOVE, LOVE, it! 5. I started with my first grey streak when I was 20 years old. My husband is very supportive of whatever I decide. It is used when a person suddenly stops consuming a substance such as alcohol, tobacco, or another drug, instead of gradually . I just dont want to be looked at as a grandma way before my time. Wig Method. To begin with, it was a trend that was spurred on by the pandemic. It happened 6 years ago, I was 42. In 2019, Turkey produced 1.45 million tonnes of tea (which was 4% of the world's total tea production), which made it one of the largest tea markets in the world . I have to admit, I loved it! We interact, share experiences, laugh together, encourage and empower each other. I feel like my hair went gray really fast over the course of last year and it is making me feel old! In the beginning, of my transition to gray hair I scoured the internet, Pinterest, and Facebook looking for women who had posted about their full transition to gray hair. Im not. Hey, ladies! Head up darlings, or your crown slips. I now surprise myself realizing Im not only not ashamed to have gray hair, I am happy and proud to have it! Also, a vitamin B-12 . Best advise as stated by others, keep up to date on hair and clothing styles. Going, Going, GRAY! Also a good check up, especially a thyroid test would be a good idea.Mari, After much soul searching Ive decided to go gray! Going grey gracefully (or ever!) LONG GRAY HAIRSTYLES. I havent mentioned it to anyone else. So, I get my hair cut every month regardless of which length Im keeping it. And I'm not saying it's my way or the highway. You can also find amazing Facebook groups, such as GGG (Going Gray Guide), Silver Revolution, Grombre and Silver Sisters International. I'm going to go grey/silver again this is my second time letting it grow in. Was I happier then? i guess i am afraid to give that up- personally and professionally. I'm in month 2 going cold turkey and building confidence as I go. Do the Full Transition to Gray Hair your way. The transition was difficult but totally worth it. Denise ONeill lives in Lisburn, Northern Ireland. It felt ridiculous to continue another 20 years of dye. WOW!!! hope that goes silver soon! I had women coming up to me asking me who my stylist was because they wanted the same unique colour. Sadly my hair started to yellow.did not know about purple shampoos or the damage the sun was causing. And, being honest, it was so difficult. What changed? Or to get tattoos? I asked each of these glorious women to offer up any Words of Wisdom on going gray; they all had their own unique and silvery advice. thank you for the words of support, Joy. It may be the summer to bring back the kerchief! i also look for products online too!! My mother died her hair up until she passed away and both of my sisters color as well. I think my hair was trying to tell me to stop and accept being naturally lovely. Then 2 months later 20 foils, toner, cut/styled. don not let anyone make you feel bad aboput going grey it is ok. So I gave it a go. I'm getting a super short cut. What is the least painful way to go gray? No regrets, except that I wish I had star. I love my shiny, healthy, one of a kind hair now! Thanks. I decided over a month ago that I would like to stop dying my hair. Something about turning 50 that made a shift in my psyche. So liberating to let go of colouring. Braids, ponys and buns are super cute too. And ecstatic because I wasnt that girl at all!. 6. My decision was based on repeated allergic reactions (that were steadily progressing to a sever breathing emergency) to dye. Reading these posts convinces me it is the right choice. Reading all the posts has helped and encouraged me to enter into a different phase of my life by embracing the color I have been hiding from for years. Feeling nervous about letting my stylist know my plan for ditching the dye. Thank you all for being there. But this journey that started with hair ultimately became so much more. Less drying time = less damage. xo, Lisa. This woman changed my life. I cut ties with people . I have been tempted to hit color, but I keep reminding my self, that anything worth having usually takes time and patients. I got scared off by negative men and career worries the first two times, yet I had abundant evidence that the people who matter to me thought it looked great and were proud of me. I've let it go for a month so in the early stages of going grey. I am 35 and resent using chemicals so frequently on my hair. Copyright disclaimer: All content is written by Joli A. Campbell or Guests, that content belongs to QuickSilverHair or the respected author. While removing the old dye made the skunk line not so visible, it did drag out the process. Our first step was to create a convention, #SILVERCON, that will be happening in July of 2020 in L.A. Translation: if you have mid length hair between jaw and shoulders it will take you 20-24 months to grow out your gray hair cold turkey. Im only 44 and dont want to be viewed as old or frail, which I definitely am not! This means no touch-ups or anything, except for a haircut here and there. It's a city that takes hair seriously, and one that gave birth to Toni & Guy. This is the most gentle technique next to cold turkey. Here, hair color isn't just hair color: Dallas . See, I was never really a girly girl, and primping, and time spent doing so, just annoyed me.I saw many young girls coloring their hair grey. I started colouring for real by the time I was in my mid-twenties. My grandmother had snow white hair and so does my mother. It is so healthy, and actual looks so much prettier on me than my dyed hair ever did. Try low-lighting or highlighting your hair to blend in your new growth with your existing hair color. It was exciting to see how bright my silver was. To add insult to injury we are going on a cruise together in February celebrating our 25th and I want to look fabulous! Photo courtesy of Michelle Ortiz. I don't like myself in short hair, so, I bit the bullet and decided to go gray cold turkey. Cheeks - When going gray, blush is your best friend. . I have long hair, so underneath my old dyed hair is about three quarters a way down and the grey is coming through naturally, The colours she is using on top blend in beautifully (using a mixture of high and lowlights and she will use different shades each time). My hair is very long and dyed dark brown and my roots are growing out gray with silver highlights. I admit some days it's all I can do not to grab a bottle of dye! Thank you, and good luck to all of is going gray gracefully and we are going to be beautiful.