Somebody wants us all dead. An earlier post finds educated/well-informed and practical Americans, but those troops are being thinned out every day from US chaos. And perhaps that future is already here. After him, with the new managers (that have office in Moscow but brain, heart and wallet in Paris, New York or London) of the old Russia there will be nothing left. The level of delusion and manipulation among the general public is truely astonishing. All the incentives are there to keep the thing together, with little real risk of some sort of succession movement or serious insurrection. True, and not contested. Dmitrys answer to the last question is interchangeable with the situation in Australia an ever growing number of homeless; sleeping in the streets and in parks and under bridges, more and more begging, particularly in the large cities, a marked increase in people working in the gig economy, like uber eats deliveries, while the yuppies and hipsters and ladies who lunch brigade swan past the homeless in the street to go to their trendy restaurants, and organic health food emporiums to buy their Kombucha and Matcha powder, while fully ignoring those fellow human beings who have been squashed by the system. The Ukrainian State Investigation Bureau launched a criminal case on the intentional surrender of Crimea against Verkhovna Rada Speaker Andrei Paruby, Secretary of the Ukrainian Council of National Security and Defense Alexander Turchinov, former Prime Minister Arseny Yatsenyuk and others, the Ukrainian law union Aver Lex told TASS on Wednesday. People are infinitely better, friendlier, nicer and better looking than Americans. What a big joke! Etc etc etc for the next three weeks. Dmitry Orlov (born 1962) is an engineer and a writer on subjects related to "potential economic, ecological and political decline and collapse in the United States, something he has called "permanent crisis". Here's Why, Russias Christian Renaissance Explains her Current World Role, Russian Artist Finds Out He is Dying, Paints 1000 Images of Christ. Browse for Dobie Gillis interviews, guest appearances, and call-ins. On the one hand, he doesnt listen to Germany or France because he has American patrons. Which brings me back to my original question. The Toltec sages used to say: To really know something means that it must also entail the knowledge of what course of action to take. An attempt to catch an universe of meaning in some charts and readings. There comes a moment when they can no longer cope with them. tingling sensation centered on the sacrum. Thank you. At the center is the As Dmitry Orlov essentially pointed out, back then there were diplomatic and back-channel conversations that kept the peace. occasions in the course of human affairs that cannot be properly Dmitry Orlov (2021) Film Review. From some of the previous interviews (including this one) Dmitry mentioned the dangers of glyphosates and non-ionizing radiation. Alex Jones on the New World Order and the Great Reset, Astrid Stuckelberger on the purpose of the World Health Organisation, Kees Van Der Pijl on why Russia wont lose in Ukraine, Aleksandr Dugin on the Fourth Political Theory. Restraint? Then they assume that you are independently wealthy and grovel shamefully." Dmitry Orlov 7 likes Like :). Orlov says nothing that doesnt strike a chord of complete reality with us. All of these fake votes went to Poroshenko, allowing him to slither through to the second round. I helped win Reagans cold war in the mid 80s in germany mainly by drinking large quantities of good german and Czechoslovakian beer. If the Ukrainians continue to surrender unconditionally while placating themselves with pipe dreams of EU/NATO membership, the country will depopulate, the land will be sold off to Western agribusiness, and it will become a sort of agricultural no mans land guarded by NATO troops. A recording of the public lecture by Dmitry Orlov on 9 June 2009, at the Davenport Hotel, Dublin, Ireland. No longer able to put up much of a fight, such depleted ethnoi tend to be easily overrun by barbarians, at which point they beg for mercy. Stay well and happy Dmitry, I love your thoughts. Dmitry Orlov trade details: Bruins bring in Capitals defenseman to add depth to blue line | Sporting News WIN NYI 4:00p -113 CHI DAL 6:30p -400 CGY ARI 6:30p -220 LAK NJ 4:00p BUF TB 4:00p EDM. With the Wests ruling psychopaths seething quite correctly with hatred and contempt of their home populations, the latter will indeed suffer a collapse of their societies once the Elites decide to pull the flush. Dmitry Orlov has died on December 5, 2014. They are of a new breed of thoroughly professional career politicians with up-to-date managerial skills. Anyway at the end of the day I enjoyed this article, its an refreshing analysis. If Catherine was a whore because she liked men and like to dancewell, we should then all be such Russian whores. Western sanctions hurting the West more than Russia. the sacred and the profane and refer to it as the advent of the Therefore my advice is .. dont bully the European People.. it could proove counter productive of what i perceive is both Your goals as well as those of ..I believe ..a majority of the common European people , Dear Ole, Here, where weve lived for twenty years, Ive planted c.200. togetherbut the exclamation Goodness gracious, we slipped She expanded the empire and built many of the beautiful buildings that today are signatures of Russias Golden Age. They could provoke a nuclear attack and then when they are in their bunkers they will be, OOOPPSSS! I don't know how else to call "it". if you can avail a transcript this interview, Stanley u can download it .it mostly under 40 minutes Here is a great book about it (it took centuries) the author teaches at Columbia I think:, PS I spent a few months in Melbourne 3 years ago (I lived in San Francisco at the time) I can assure you its far superior, nicer, more beautiful and cheaper than any place I have ever seen in the US where I spent 14 or so years or the UK where I spent 13 years. The Essential Saker IV: Messianic Narcissism's Agony by a Thousand Cuts, The Essential Saker III: Chronicling The Tragedy, Farce And Collapse of the Empire in the Era of Mr MAGA,,,,,,,,,,,, Terminology (last update January 25th 2021), Moderation Policy (UPDATED December 13th, 2021), The Essential Saker III free PDF download, Making sense of NATO strikes against Russia. Dmitry Orlov: The new pipelines under the Baltic and the Black Sea will be completed, along with the second LNG installation at Sabetta, and Russia will go on supplying natural gas to Europe and Asia. This assumption is inconsistent with the actual dynamic, which is that there are twp major military campaigns involved in the grand strategy. Show your support by disabling ad-block (How), Buy AD-FREE ACCESS here, for only $19 / yr. Disabling adblock for a specific site just takes a couple of clicks. Very nice people compared to the Aussie/British riff raff. Dmitry is an astute commentator, well worth listening to his take on Russia's military operation in the Ukraine. Putin Is Right, Liberalism Is Dead, So What Will Replace It? But nothing has really happened yet. Will they have the real world experience of Putin? I am afraid you are wrong. It is a psychological condition. Learn Russian, have a useful skill, and apply for Russian citizenship. Usually it is as simple as clicking on the adblock icon in your browser, and choosing the disable on this page or domain option. alcoholism, violence, emigration and despair in the wake of the Americans, despite the obvious propaganda nature of the media still are true-believers in the official Narrative because meaning and myth always trumps reality. Their revolutionary zeal was hindered by its utter lack of practical merit. Instead, I'll just issue an update. I am largely from the UK so I have no idea where they get their money from. That was a mighty interesting and at times amusing read. The main point is that all issues are settled directly between Kiev, Donetsk and Lugansk answers are spot on. Dmitry Orlov (far. Get born in Russia or East of Russia next time over or collapse, the Russians tend to make references to the white furry What may speed things up is that Europe, along with the US, appear to be heading into a recession/depression. In a significant number of precincts the turnout was exactly 100% instead of the usual 60% or so and counted votes from people who had moved, died or emigrated. Putins popularity has waned somewhat, although he is still far more popular than any national leader in the West. It manufactured numerous high-tech products such as jet aircraft, marine diesels, helicopter engines, rocket engines and much else that was the best in the world. I hoped to have a more in depth overview of these atrocities against western population from his point of view. The oceans are dying, the great forests are burning and/or being cut down. Meanwhile the vanity of the Ukraine actively discussing negotiating with Nato how to get support for the presumably naval forces to have unfettered rights of navigation through Kerch still persists..whether EU naval ships will join in by compulsion or willingly of course is a different matter. And rabbit numbers are increasing, since our outdoor cat, a merciless rabbit eater, carelessly got himself run over. how it might continue shrink and what the consequences are going to be. A whiff of World War III hangs in the air. (?) I used to think I had my own thoughts on Ukraine and inequality/European politics. are totally fucked! or some other string of obscene expletives, I predict a world war within the next 2-5 years. However, all this is described in a neutral tone. Most importantly, Dmitry Orlov leaves us with perhaps the most profound and pivotal sentence of the book: "Collapse is not a nightmare scenario to be avoided at all costs but part of the normal, unalterable ebb and flow of human history, and the widespread tendency to block it out of our worldview is, to put it very mildly, maladaptive." Much appreciated, thanks for your reply Auslander. When RAND proposed a counterforce strategy, which would require SAC to restrain itself from striking Soviet cities at the beginning of a war, Power countered with: My hope is that the US military personnel currently scattered throughout the planet will not be simply abandoned once the money runs out, but I wouldnt be too surprised if that is what happens. symbol of Death, which Christ vanquished through His resurrection. Nowadays, after the proto-Blairism of the useful idiots Hawke and Keating (both rewarded by being made rich), the raw, racist, class-hating Evil of the sub Brownshirt grub Howard, the narcissist Rudd and the feminazi incompetent Gillard and then the real descent into The Pit with the raving life-hating, misogynist, Abbott, the hereditary parasite Turnbull and the Pentecostal thug Morrison-well its been quite a long days journey into Hell. Spin: The veteran blueliner wasn't expected to have a prominent . They are probably hungry for money and will learn fast who is the boss. Russia needs reliable trading partners who can pay their own way, not ungrateful dependents clamoring for handouts. Moves are afoot to craft laws against ecocide, and they surely must include the propagandists for the destruction of Life, like the Murdoch metastases and the whole machine of Rightwing ecological collapse denialism. Thank you. If Russia doesnt decide, the situation will decide by itself. He had a minus-1 rating, a shot, two hits and a block in his Bruins debut Saturday. It is a It is becoming clear that Putin, although he is still very active in both domestic and international politics, is coasting toward retirement. My attempt as astrologer is, to show the parallels in the symbolic mirror of the zodiac, exactly telling, what we are and will be witnessing. But lets be blunt: The Ukros are fighting until death; not victory. 2. Orlov and the Saker are two Russian ex-pats writing some of the best analyses on world politics in English these days. That exposed the thinking of the US at the top of its power. Policies, Vurbl People: Interviews, Commentary, News, and More, Collapse: American Prospects with Dmitry Orlov, Dmitry Orlov: The Precipitous Decline Of America's Global Empire, The Arctic Fox Cometh to Global Research: The Dynamics between Russia and America with Dmitry Orlov, #192 | America Faded Vol. Every now and then he writes a piece that is so incisive and sums up the reality of the whole situation so clearly. Having such a National School it is certainly a good thing especially if it is not linked and funded by Western entities. Dmitry Vladimirovich Orlov ( Russian: ; born 23 July 1991) is a Russian professional ice hockey defenceman for the Boston Bruins of the National Hockey League (NHL). The Hermitage collection started out as her personal collection. translationos sacrumof the Greek termhieron osteon (holy What Lenin reassigned to the Ukrainian Soviet Socialist Republic were Russian lands, Donetsk and Lugansk regions among them. Just one question: Anyone who thinks nukes will definitely not be used are deluding themselves. subject, it is a talisman that symbolizes Golgotha, with four crosses Im afraid this is the kind of critic that can be applied to just about any piece of writing out there. But then the technosphere started to shrinkin certain locales. In Europe . I would like to interview 2 professed patriotic and intelligent Russians , both living in the USA about their MOTIVES in their endless BASHING of everything European ( the part which concerns ME ) .. as well as their endless Bashing of Americans , the people among whom they choose to live , in both instances expressing Ridicule and Disgust bordering to Hate towards these 2 Areas of the World. No spam, please. By temporarily accepting the certificate you can go in and look at the contents. Dmitry Orlov: The first round of the elections was an outright fraud. And so brave As soon as it gained independence, it just fell over. Yeah, a little too late, though. Necessity being the Mother of Invention.and this being The Best of All Possible Worlds.I remain somewhat more optimistic than most of the commenters..and the author whose extremely sarcastic view of things not steeled in strength in the Russian Way (.through endurance of hardship producing toughness on many levels. You see, over the past 30 years most Ukrainians have been content to sit around drinking beer and watching television as their country got looted. He correctly translates the meaning of Ukraina as At the end of the land, meaning Polish land. But the Anglos studiously avoid facing the reality that their precious way of life, capitalist system, and Anglo- If anyone thinks that is unimaginable Dr. Strangelove fictional slapstick dark humour then have a read of Command and Control: Nuclear Weapons, the Damascus Accident, and the Illusion of Safety. by Eric Schlosser. Some Ukrainian rocket scientists have apparently gone off to work in North Korea, and this explains the DPRKs recent stunning successes in rocketry. Dmitrys book Reinventing Collapse: The Soviet Example and American Prospects, published in 2008, further details his views about Western collapse. For the US, very bad times ahead. The pension reform did hurt him somewhat, but he recovered by pushing through a raft of measures designed to ease the transition. Russian and foreign investments could do the trick. Aus. likely to hear is something more along the lines of Holy shit, we Dmitry Orlov: Predicting Collapse Posted on August 16, 2021 Below is a link an extremely informative podcast interview with Russian-American engineer and writer Dmitry Orlov. Your navy would be loathe to sail into foreign waters knowing that they could be sunk without so much as a chance to fire back. Inside of it is NATO, which is an occupying force across most of Europe right up to the Russian border. While, on the surface, people support ideas like higher minimum wage, universal health-care and other aspects of social democracy, it their masters say no then theyll forgo it and take pride in their ability to endure suffering, early death, their children on heroin or meth, and so on. The only thing that Ill add, and it really isnt much, is that Americans (for the most part) do not have the skills nor the will to be able to survive a post consumer world. What is your best guesstimate of what will happen in the short-to-medium term future? I dont see a bright future ahead, I think the dogma of Neoliberalism has had a very major impact on peoples pysches in Australia. of vulgar terms for female genitalia: they form a sacred portal Neither campaign comes anywhere near the US mainland. These trends are on full display already. they spent their days in a separate barrack, sitting between casks of [5] Not for a very long time. The Ukrainian government does not treat the citizens of Donetsk and Lugansk as its citizens: it does not pay their pensions, it does not recognize their right to vote and it does not provide them with passports. The inevitable result was that most of the other Soviet republics were able to suck resources out of Russia, making them far more prosperous than Russia itself. The fact that his detractors have to resort to crude and, frankly, stupid ad hominems further convinces me that Dmitrys views need to be widely shared. Get info about his position, age, height, weight, trade, draft, salary and more on Browse for Dmitry Orlov interviews, guest appearances, and call-ins. Dmitry: Yes, they have. An Incident On Simonka March 2014. . Also Crimea came into Russian possession only under Katherine the Whore, not before. Bird numbers are still high, but new species are moving in and disturbing the harmony of the older arrangements. Ukraine was under Polish-Lithuenian Commonwealth till Chmielnicki gifted the eastern part off the Dniepre river , around 1648, to Russia. Where is Europe heading next, especially in its relationship with the USA and Russia? > Quotes. Unz Review site is down. Further Reading Dmitry Orlov, Evgeny Malkin and Mikhail Sergachev Hold Group Chat Interview Evgeny Kuznetsov and Caps Gaming's JohnWayne to Play EA Sports NHL20 on Capitals Twitch Channel April 26. Orlov is thorough. For permission to re-publish or otherwise use non-original or non-licensed content, please consult the respective source of the content. Meanwhile, the two eastern regions, which are highly developed economically and have a lot of industry, have been integrating ever more closely into the Russian economy. bone)for the Ancient Greeks believed the sacrum to be the seat of banter about collapse; instead, you can now harness the full depth of In keeping with the light-hearted, whimsical nature of the I clicked on the ghosthistory link and got a stern warning to not go there, due to possible theft of passwords, etc. Of course, it will all be made to look highly democratic for the sake of appearances. I love Dmitry; I have all of his books, but Ive always known that his creativity is best expressed as fiction. On this basis, Russia and China are a mortal danger as they offer the Global South a road to independence and development. At worst, you become a sucker for insanities like "Open Borders" which is nothing but infinite growth inflicted upon a finite country. Make snippets of Dmytro talking to create audio highlights to share with your friends or embed in related blog posts. But by far the most significant change in Russian politics is that a new generation of regional leaders has been put into place. Well see how this works out. Scott, also. reasonably well conveyed by the English exclamation Holy shit, we News: 12 hours ago Orlov scored a power-play goal and added two even-strength assists in Thursday's 7-1 win over the Sabres.. Good Crimea has independant energy now and soon rail links will become operational . Due to the pitiless impact of the Law of Exponents the end may be ten years or less away. This is a typical kind of meme that gets spread through repetition and is used to explainn a lot of things that actually require other explanations. Even applied for charity fundraising jobs. Make snippets of Dmitry talking to create audio highlights to share with your friends or embed in related blog posts. And, further, I hold that he is honest and a man of good will. It is currently a major topic of discussion because of the farcical presidential elections currently taking place there, but more and more one hears the question: Must we continue talking about this? There just isnt anything positive to say about the Ukraine, and people tend to just shake their heads and switch to another channel. could get blasted up in the air at any time, and then it's curtains! Especially if Europe is pushed too far .. After some amount of effort by NATO instructors to train the Ukrainians, the instructors gave up. He spent most of his life here, went through school and college, but ventured back to Russia for a while in the 1990s out of curiosity after the fall of the USSR. If you want to contact me, my email address is my first name dot my last name at gmail. Read Dmitry's work at: But the fact that the people living there have to put up with constant shelling does not make life a veryenticing prospect. But Orlov and I agree on the outcome a devastated US mainland. Later, when it became clear that without appealing to Russian patriotic sentiments the task of prevailing against Nazi Germany was unlikely to succeed, Stalin brought back the Russian Orthodox Church and made other efforts toward the restoration of Russian ethnic identity that were previously decried as retrograde and chauvinistic. It isnt fiscally or monetarily healthy. Browse for Dobbin Buck interviews, guest appearances, and call-ins. Sunday is full dress gig at 35th Battery. Glossopteris. I also wonder if Shorten still reports to the U.S Embassy? SUMMARY . The fact is bad apples in the police kill people carelessly and heedless very often and there is no recourse because communities have no review over the actions of the police. Hard words, guys, for a very hard situation! Jul 23, 1991 Position D Age 31 Height 5'11" / 181 cm Place of Birth Novokuznetsk, RUS Weight 214 lbs / 97 kg Nation Russia Shoots L Youth Team Metallurg Novokuznetsk Contract 22/23 Cap Hit $1,275,000 Powered by NHL Rights Boston Bruins / Signed Drafted 2009 round 2 #55 overall by Washington Capitals Agency PREMIUM Highlights 1 1 2 3 1 1 More than one has clearly stated to me that they have to get their children out of the ever more hedonistic populated areas and go back to the basics. Has there EVER been greater Evil than this? You can sign up to support him by clicking on the below: I remember discussing service in the military with my Norwegian friend, and I am going to quote him here young soldiers have very limited time to live. , , . They can certainly be supplemented. , . How he intends to effect the transition to the post-Putin era remains a mystery, but what recently took place in Kazakhstan may offer some clues. Lather, rinse, repeat. Time alone will tell. A lose-lose-lose proposition. He was born in Leningrad (now Saint Petersburg), but emigrated to the United States for a while and then returned to Russia. Who could have predicted what they did in Ukraine. Dmitry Orlov: The term Novorossiya (New Russia) goes back several centuries, to the time Catherine the Great expanded the Russian Empire to include Crimea and other southern possessions. For the EU, bad times ahead. Nothing wrong with that. He reasons based upon the assumption that the US is run by logical people, and also by illogical people. For Russia, a good transition from Putin to young, competent managerial types. Well, here is a page explaining this sort of site/browser behavior: I look forward to a spring news letter from Auslander? So, armed with this perspective, what can we say about the Ukraine from the contemporary Russian perspective? The word ukraina is simply an archaic form of the Russian word okraina (outskirts, border land). Impact Orlov, who was acquired from Washington on Thursday, was playing in his second game with Boston. Ditto for numerous other biological life forms. Russia should openly support the Russians in the southeast of Ukraine who want to secede and reintegrate with the Russian Federation. Global Research News Hour Episode 156 By Michael Welch and Dmitry Orlov, October 23, 2016 . realize that we may be about to die and as our soul makes emergency We frequently post articles that we may differ with, partially or completely, to support open debate. "In terms of the legal basis for the Russian incursionI wouldn't call it an invasion; invasion is when you move in to stay, invasion leads to occupation. (Some Ukrainian rocket scientists have apparently gone off to work in North Korea, and this explains the DPRKs recent stunning successes in rocketry as well as its unlikely, exotic choice of rocket fuel: unsymmetrical dimethylhydrazine.). They are taking their families, wives and children, with them and going home. In this interview, which I listened to and found very interesting, Orlov reiterates points he makes in his recent Club Orlov essay, A Thousand Balls of Flame, which I also read with great interest. But that sort of smooth transition may be hard for the EU and the Americans to orchestrate. resulting in something vernacularly referred to as losing ones Orchestrating a smallish but highly publicized radiation leak from one of the ancient Ukrainian nuke plants would probably work. Continue reading [on Patreon] [on SubscribeStar], p { margin-bottom: 0.1in; line-height: 120% }. Once in a while they stage minor skirmishes, suffer casualties and pull back. Stalin then added eastern lands, which were at various times Polish, Austro-Hungarian or Romanian. Ive already read several articles of Dimitri Orlov so he is known to me, but in this interview hes really on fire. They were always a transcendent bunch, actually, in a culture founded on spiritual independence despite all the overlay of consumerist crap. serve, go and learn to work with guncotton. Only the ancient Greeks had something that came close and that only for a short while. That really was a harbinger article. Lt. Gen. Townsends we will defend ourselves if we feel threatened is a bald-faced provocation. The US is spiraling down into financial, economic and political collapse, losing its standing in the world and turning into a continent-sized ghetto full of drug abuse, violence and decaying infrastructure, its population vice-ridden, poisoned with genetically modified food, morbidly obese, exploited by predatory police departments and city halls, plus a wide assortment of rackets, from medicine to education to real estate That we know.. Dmitry Orlov: The Ukraine has never been viable as an independent, sovereign state and so its ongoing disintegration is to be expected. Is hard to believe that we ate going to have any kind of soft transition. The disaffected middle classes and labor aristocracy of the Anglosphere will comprise the grassroots basis for 21st-century fascism, similar to how these socio-economic classes were the grassroots support for the German Third Reich or Mussolinis Italy in the 1930s-40s. Condolences on the death of the resident feline. The hubris of the exceptional nation never before having their mainland attacked will make them think they can prevail under any circumstance. I have to say that I fully agree with every word Dmitry Orlov says.