What do I do?So he does, what I don't think anybody else would do. He would have just shown up in Hanoi, Vietnam. And so the UK, quote, has to be prepared for a nuclear war.No, they don't.No, they don't. But actively encouraged the fifth graders to try being gay. You know, hey, I learned this. This is the first time they have done this, since early in the Cold War.But Russians who are kind of on our side, said, they are serious about pointing missiles towards Great Britain. In this clip, Glenn explains why. A man in his '40s.STU: Oh, it was the best time of my life. Eleven dollars a month is what they're asking at T2T.org. And not even intentional.But there's a lot of fighting going on around there. And when I say yell at people, I'm going to play some things, where it was insane. Now, who are the agents of chaos?Well, I will tell you, the ones who are the agents of chaos, are fighting to limit speech.That will only make things worse. Doctors. You know, the -- the -- the problems, that you are worried about, according to this new survey, are enormous.And I think reasonable.We don't know what's going to happen tomorrow. Oh, we're not going to send jets. TCKS FULL TRANSCRIPT - Unpacking the Global Threat of the Great Reset Literally, what is she?This is from the kids. And he's like, what do I do? www.BlazeTV.com/Glenn RSS That was the argument. The Best Conservative Podcasts - TheBlaze We've got a lot to do today. We just have to start saying it out loud.. You say you agree this idea, you have to be a certain age to buy assault weapons in America. We have been telling the left forever, why are you in bed with all of these horrible people, that are Muslim extremists?Because they'll kill you first. And he looks up, and he does -- he looks at me for like half a second.And then he goes right to Tania, like, come on over here, and sit on B.B. President Bidens nominee to be Americas national archivist, Colleen Shogan, has promised to be non-partisan if granted the role. And on the list of five, only two of them, are axis. It's the worst thing that can happen. Our government is complicit in the trafficking of the drugs. Glenn Beck And they will burn in hell, and be destroyed in flames.If we send any more weaponry. Is that a post about sports teams and your dog or mystery novels?VOICE: My social media is in my personal capacity, Senator.VOICE: I have to say, I have been here for four years. And it is causing chaos. And I don't see how this stops. Well, I mean, they're solving more crimes, but homicides increased by 30 percent.So they're not, they're overwhelmed. But also, help the war heroes, the people who have lost their lives. They said, it wasn't Russia. Sources: PolitiFact, "Glenn Beck on al-Qaida links to Muslim Brotherhood,"by Robert Farley, Jan. 31, 2011; Transcript of Glenn Beck Program, Feb. 4, 2011, accessed through Nexis THE DOCUMENTS for the 'Arming Ukraine Debate' Glenn TV special, DEBATE: Is It Time to STOP Arming Ukraine? Yeah.GLENN: Yeah. Now, I don't care about that at all.I do think that was interesting. I don't like you.STU: Right. FBI came out, this is Christopher Ray. I can understand why they would want to do that to win a war. What about hermaphrodites. I can't hear you. Here are the TOP 5 reasons to STOP sending aid to Ukraine NOW, Here are Glenn's TOP 13 quotes from this week's radio highlights, EXPLAINED: How far-left AGENTS OF CHAOS are destroying us all, Glenn: This TAKE DOWN of a LYING nominee means NOTHING, Here are the TOP 5 reasons for sending aid to Ukraineand why they're wrong, SHOCK: How a pastor deterred ARMED robbers with PRAYER, Glenn: Its my duty to WARN YOU about THIS threat to America, Russia wants to bring about a NEW WORLD ORDER, and WE are antagonizing them to do it. Have Joy. Putin does not think so at all. And when you ask, is there another reason, this is going on?They silence you. The Glenn Beck Program (podcast) - Blaze Podcast Network - Listen Notes Please, donate, and help them do their job. All that stuff is out.And we are going -- we are worshiping, literally, I believe, doing ancient Moloch rituals in our lives.Evil thinks it's winning. This is the reason America has always been successful.The people have been good. Relief sleep does. He may be crazy. You can't do that. And -- and he is with the morning consult.And he said, if fear comes from political issue, like climate change. Yeah. (music)So how are you sleeping? Fifty-50 chance of getting caught, if you kill somebody.Huh. You care about skin color, you have become the racist.So now, they're -- imagine where this is going.Now if you're pro-life, the college of OB-GYN doesn't want you.What will that lead to, when there's no one in that crew saying, wait a minute, can we -- can we step on the brakes here for a second?The FBI, medicine. 800-966-3117, and get your MyPillow 2.0 now.Ten-second station ID. There is a nuclear complex. And now, murder rate is up. Let's first hit the -- hmm. But that's the way it's happening at MyPillow.Technology changes over time. If it's a prompting, it's never wrong.But I can't tell which it is. Not -- not police, that will just beat you on the street corner.We don't want any of that. October 15, 2008 In my opinion, the West is a source of absolute evil. You do not feel this in your system. Is that a post about your dog or sports teams?VOICE: My social media is my personal capacity, sir?VOICE: Answer my question, please. B.B. Because, why?We have a shortage of police officers. But it gets worse. It is going to happen. I want somebody that nobody even cares to meet. Get the buy one, get one free offer. I've seen a lot. I think you're leading to something, to make fun of me. So if Russia is allowed to win the war, this would still constitute a victory for the West, and defeat for Russia. Theres a great evil happening in our country, Glenn says. So people come in, and your private security, cannot touch or stop anyone.You can only report it to the police. He sees the West as a partner who behaves very aggressively for whatever reason. Play the accordion! And you also said you wouldn't give this committee, any of your public posts. Well, that's crazy conspiracy. While his contract runs through December, his show . 15 days ago Yes, We're in a Cold War with China: The Playbook to Take Down the US EXPOSED | Ep 252. . In fact, gave him a list of critical infrastructure targets that must never be attacked.Of those 16 critical infrastructure sectors, there is public health, emergency services, and energy.Quote, I gave him a list. This is sad. And the next day her name is like, what? Whatever you need. We are just starting to do what I think are the work, that this network was born to do.So join us, please. The -- what? He said, the hairs on my -- back of my neck stood up. This is a very dangerous war, since Russia cannot lose it. And all of the Republicans have all said, this is out of control. That's my money and your money. Oh, take two. These progressives do the same thing.They take it up to a certain point.And right at the moment of collapse. We'll give up the areas we've taken over.Such a thing would lead to a domestic explosion, and Russia would find itself in a Civil War.Russia cannot lose under any circumstance, since a single step backward, would lead to a thousand steps backwards.Russia will fight to the end, because we simply cannot stop. But two federal law enforcement agencies have had serious cyber attacks this last month.CNN reported that the FBI's New York field office was investigating and working to contain malicious cyber incident, a part of its computer network in recent days, involving computer systems used in investigation of images of child sexual exploitation.Then NBC News reported late yesterday, that the US marshal service, suffered a security breach over a week ago, that compromised sensitive information.In a statement Monday, US Marshal Service spokesperson Drew Wade acknowledged the breach, telling NBC News, the affected system contains law enforcement sensitive information, including returns from legal processes, administrative information, personally identifiable information, pertaining to subjects of the US marshal's investigation, third parties, and employees.Wade said the incident occurred February 17th. Who would do that?GLENN: This is sad. Because you've testified under oath, that you only posted about your dog, sports teams, and novels. THIS COPY MAY NOT BE IN ITS FINAL FORM AND MAY BE UPDATED. If only we had refrained from destroying the Soviet Union, or had broken the necks of Gorbachev and Yeltsin at the right time.In my opinion, this is Aleksandr Dugin on Saudi Arabian television, that has just been translated. That are on the FBI's most wanted list for terrorism.We haven't even begun to pay for the open border through terrorism. And half of the teams will just probably forfeit. It would be one-on-one.STU: I mean, I'm -- I'm conflicted by this. You know, I take handfuls of it, and it doesn't do anything for me. Oh, the outrage.She was telling the kids, try -- try being gay. Oh, my gosh.It was then that the parents believed something wasn't right. It's amazing. And subscribe now with the promo code Glenn. If that's what makes you happy.This exchange made me very happy.VOICE: Dr. Shogan, when you were here last year, a number of senators asked you, including me, a series of questions about an article you had written, public statements that you had made on social media, that were pretty grossly partisan, and I thought offensive. And so did your neighbor, who is a Democrat, and voted Democrats.But wouldn't say it, couldn't say it, because they were all wrapped up in politics.So we have abandoned common sense. 07/03/2022 . It's usually wrong. They're trying to pass it now.And it prohibits political activity by federal employees, to prohibit the use of official authority to influence or coerce any interactive computer service. Why were -- what? Use BlazeTV.com/Glenn, and promo code Glenn, and you will save.STU: Right. Churches, gyms, were shuttered, abortion clinics, Walmarts were deemed essential. So what's the problem with that? Say your name out loud.And then he said, you four gentlemen, can you account for yourself? And they were going to use them, but they only had a couple of them, that they had printed off. And there's something to gain there for the good of the United States.GLENN: Right. I mean, we'll play this. Glenn Beck sits down with notable guests both for their accomplishments and experience to discuss big ideas, inspiring stories and the origins of the extraor. Right.STU: And my understanding, a Herman after tight, no longer the accepted term. He was in the studios for something else. I can't imagine them being new and improved. I don't want anybody to freak out. A recent poll from the State Policy Network Survey shows that Americans are BEYOND worried about nearly everything: Food affordability and shortages, inflation, rising energy prices, and possible nuclear war. glenn beck today show transcript - xarxacatala.cat However, there will be such a threat, if Russia begins to lose. And it has said that the, quote, former military inspector of military defense of Moldova has said the armed forces of some country I've never heard of. Where is that attitude?So we are now worried about the things that are causing our instability, but we're doing a lot of the instability-making, you know. People were canceled for that. glenn beck today show transcript - natural-therapy.com We want to come back, Portland, but it's too dangerous for our employees, and we're hemorrhaging product.Now, let me ask you. Start your two week free trial HERE! There's like 41 sponsors.That's it.Wait. It's not going to. Excuse me?Someone must pay the price, for what is happening in our society. In fact, they elected a President who said, if you elect me for a second term, I will not send your boys into war. That's what they used to say. Glenn Beck Transcripts | On Demand Justice is blind. Elton John, I can't use that word on the air. Transcripts | Glenn Beck Transcripts Not necessarily in that order. You said no, effectively.And you said, that your Twitter posts consisted of mystery novels, events at the White House Historical Association, Pittsburgh sports teams, and my dog. And why are they overwhelmed?Because there's not enough qualified police. People's lives. Blaze Radio Network In a Republican House.And they are a long way from getting anybody to sign on. I'm neither. In a busy news cycle, you might not have heard. Cut one.VOICE: There is a short notion of victory.And that's full restoration of Ukraine's territorial integrity.GLENN: Okay. Have rigged all arms depot within the breakaway region, including the depot with explosives. RADIO Huh.By the way, national clearance rates for rape, were 30 percent.So you've got a 70 percent chance of getting away with rape. What is your name? Glenn Beck: THESE signs show we're moving to WORLD WAR III - Glenn Beck I don't know how far. Thank you for letting us pray for you.We're thankful that for whatever reason, the Lord let you come on in here. Well, unfortunately, we're now starting to consider that that could be a weapon. Glenn Beck's quick wit, candid opinions and engaging personality have made this one of the most popular radio programs in America. If your kids aren't out working, if you're not holding down that moral fort in your own life, and in your own family. Nobody else has seen it yet. . What's the cause of that problem? And did I look into it?I mean, sure. Media acceptance of the lab leak theory is the turning of the COVID ratchet.This is the most important opinion piece, that I have read, on why the COVID leak is coming out.And what does it all mean?They -- he writes, if you thought this monumental collapse of credibility, this sudden implosion of certainty of the science, would give the media moments of hesitation, you were sadly mistaken. Are we willing to risk an all-out war in Ukraine?I don't want the government to continue this escalation. Except, Russia would survive, and humanity would be saved.However, in either scenario, there will be no Ukraine.It will disappear, if we win. Speak Truth. You just decided, you saw this church. So at what point does Biden fold on that?GLENN: Well, I don't know.Because during this -- during this global security conference in Munich, the Chinese are talking now about giving weapons and ammunition to Russia.And the United States came out, over the weekend, and said, they better not do that.Excuse me?You better not do that. But also the trafficking of humans.The trafficking -- you know, we know Iran has sent terrorists, that we have by chance caught. First round of the Vermont division four girls varsity tournament, the Eagles dropped out. laredo news car accident today. But I honestly, there's so many terms that have been canceled. What do you mean, it is not going to happen? Internet. No one will be ready to rebuild this huge country. But my mind goes immediately to, we have to censor people.That is the worst thing we can do. We are no longer close allies with Saudi Arabia.What have we been saying for the longest time to the left? You are under oath before this committee, and I have to say, you have placed this issue squarely in record by repeatedly refusing to answer. Not enough is being done. And says, in totally like a -- you know, Weird Al. glenn beck today show transcript - sportsnutrition.org And the young men are like, uh. It's going to allow pensions and social support to be paid to the Ukrainian people, so they have something in their pocket. And have the courage to say, it's just not true.I'm sorry. And all of them pretty evil.Iran, North Korea, China, Russia. Storytelling, insight and compelling perspective on American culture and politics. Why not take four.Anyway.There might be a reason why I'm an alcoholic. We know it. I mean, you closed them down.We have two of them here. But we've already warned him. I'm going to show you some things from this week, from a couple of hearings, that I just -- I mean, I cheer.We are actually starting to find a spine in this country.And that is so great! That's not too sexist, right? He's definitely a killer.Cold-blooded killer. King hit on my wife.STU: Right. They are not undergoing some sort of dramatic crisis here.While some would expect a little more coordination between the regime and its media arm to create a smoother narrative transition, this trailing dialectic serves its own purpose.Our ruling elite secure power through constant invocation of the state of exception.In theory, we live in a democracy, where the power of the government is constrained through the structure of the Constitution, and the will of the people.In practice, however, both limiting factors can be removed in the case of an emergency. Did you ask for this?Because I didn't. The Glenn Beck Program's tracks Best of the Program | Guests: Rep Thomas Massie, Rep. Chris Stewart & Ezra Levant | 2/5/20 by The Glenn Beck Program published on 2020-02-06T06:35:44Z. Who sent you here? Were you for that?Are you for this gas stove thing?No matter what they say, that is true. And you know it, or our children would not be dying from fentanyl overdoses at the rate they are.The border is not secure. Too many words in that, just cut it down. Why are you here?Who sent you here?He said, they found out that they were -- later, they were connected to two robberies from convenience stores. And you've got even odds. You mentioned Crimea will not happen.But if you're a Ukrainian citizen, you're like, well, wait a minute. 4:00 p.m. Eastern.Only for Blaze TV subscribers.Okay. With no seeming -- no limiting principle whatsoever. So whether you've already gotten on board the MyPillow train with the original, or are brand-new to the experience, please check these pillows out. We'll address it.Today at 4:00 p.m. Eastern, I'm going to be doing this for the Blaze TV subscribers. Remember, the national archives are now saying, this document here is very triggering.Yes, if you're King George III, it shouldn't be triggering to you now. Cut 11, please.BIDEN: And they'll delivery much-needed humanitarian assistance, as well as food, water, medicine, and shelter, and other aids to Ukrainians displaced by Russia's war, and provide aid for those seeking refuge in other countries from Ukraine.It's also going to help schools and hospitals open. He's never been a political guy.I don't -- that's not what he does.GLENN: He's Weird Al Yankovic.STU: I know. 7. So Hawley asks her. glennbeck.com Joe Biden The power isn't taken back. We are so with you. Do you not think we would have gone to war?Do you not think we would have been justified to include Russia in that?Of course, we would.We have our president, in Ukraine today. Multi-media firebrand Glenn Beck takes on progressivism with conservative solutions with Stu Burguiere. I've been to meet and greets. This is from National Review. Because on her first one, they had some tweets from her, that were like, you know who I just hate? You racist!All of it treks back to the same agents of chaos.All of it!When -- when are we going to get this, and all of us, Republican, Democrats, and independents say, to hell with politics. I don't know.The debate, is it time to stop arming Ukraine tonight? Those tweets were in my personal capacity.VOICE: No, no, no. I don't know Democrats that ask for this. There was none available at the time, when I looked. No mention of that. And I was like, this guy sounds funny. Okay. They will not want to give up on. They were scheduled to take on the number five Long Trail Mountain Lions of Dorset. Just try being gay. Mental health issues are another consequence of long-term fear.Given the rise in mental health conditions, and the way we engage in political discussions in the US, it might be fair to say, we aren't dealing with our fears, particularly well.And listen to this: And need to find ways to cut off sources, that feed them, for political gain or profit.What -- what does that mean, exactly? You know it, and I know it.Because this antiracist nonsense states that. I believe that the Muslims understand me well.Because I believe that the West is an Antichrist. To buy the intercontinental ballistic missiles from Russia. So the president is -- is over now, and he's in Ukraine.And, wow. I love the guy.GLENN: I know. Nike has the unmitigated gall, to send a letter to the Portland mayor, at the end of the day, wheeler, and city officials, ask community Nike store.Now, this thing has been closed for months. In this clip, Glenn details the SHOCKING story of how a pastor deterred four armed robbers who entered a Missouri church earlier this month. Okay.So we're doing that. CNN.com - Transcripts So there's no arms treaty between the US for the first time since 1972 between the US and Russia.On February 19th, it was reported that the international atomic energy agency inspectors caught Iran enriching uranium to 84 percent purity. Trump Redefined the SOTU | Guests: Reps. Thomas Massie & Chris Stewart | 2/5/20 by The Glenn Beck Program It's the MyPillow 2.0. A guy wearing a skirt, he's a teacher in kindergarten. Ever since I've known you.STU: I have loved Weird Al. I don't actually want to meet the people that I like.GLENN: That you like.STU: I find it to -- I mean, I've met you. Because you've loved Weird Al for a very long time. He's now saying that we now have to send fighters. I mean, if you need my wife to make you some lasagna, bring it over, I'll personally put it on the fork and feed it to you. Holds Soviet air stuff. You keep saying there's only two genders. We have always been blessed. glenn beck today show transcript . All right. Glenn Beck's Show On Fox News To End : NPR It's like regular people for me. Loved him since back in the day.GLENN: I believe he's been on the show.STU: You know, we met him once when he was in New York. It uses artificial intelligence to destroy the family, sex, and the nature of human beings. Glenn Beck's daily spot on the nation's leading cable news station is coming to a close little more than two years after his start on Fox News. Because she left it all open. Wouldn't that be great?So they want to directly fund full-time police officers.Well, the city is saying, no. But we're reimagining things.No. And I've heard several things about it.That it's really bad. 2023 MERCURY RADIO ARTS.ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. So far, there's no indication, that the two attacks are connected.However, the cyber hostage taking ransomeware, that often strong arms institutions into making hefty ransom payments to regain access to their computer systems, is now a fact of life for US corporations and the government.Last week, the Department of Health and Human Services warned that Russians and Russian-linked ransomeware groups like Clop had reportedly taken responsibility for a mass attack on more than 130 organizations, including the health care industry.Okay. BlazeTV.com/Glenn. And it is easy to define. In this clip, Glenn demonstrates how signs TODAY show we are following the same pattern that eventually resulted in World War I. Today is my turn to do it.And I hope to talk to you, today. He seems to have, you know, less syphilis than the last mad dictator, that tried to take over the world.I don't want to give him any help. Don't take Relief Sleep. A dispatch from inside Glenn Beck's art show - Deseret News Your kids are going to get lost, to riots in the streets, and everything else.And the collapse of the US government happens, and that's the final straw. I really am.But it is, I believe, my calling to warn you of what is possibly coming. Because we could bomb Israel, not us.Israel could bomb Iran today.And that could start things in motion. China and Russia.They have already dismissed us, and anything we claim on OPEC. God is about to change the plan of the enemy. They put their hands on the back of these guys. Elton John. If there was a sports division, with the podcasts. THIS is the heartwarming (and also slightly funny) story you need this week. And I walk closer. glenn beck today show transcriptwhich of the following expressions are polynomials. But then they started breaking down and cracking down on their protesters.And Biden says, he's willing to use force as a last resort. All these things have happened with the exception of planes, and now we have Republicans saying, we should be sending the planes. We just have to start saying it, out loud. The forgotten truths. They are increasing. You can't, or you'll be silenced.More in just a second. Because we have a lack of faith in the truth of God. People can't live like that.It's very -- it's destructive to our health, and our country.We can't live like this. Blog Inizio Senza categoria glenn beck today show transcript. With alleged intent to rob it or worse.STU: Alleged. Now they won't even make the argument, because they won't let themselves use the word.We are screwed up.GLENN: Let me ask you something. But I do want you to be mentally and physically prepared.The Biden administration, when they came into office, they said, we're going to reduce the role of nuclear weapons in the US strategy. Keep your store open there in Portland. The Glenn Beck Program Storytelling, insight and compelling perspective on American culture and politics. | Glenn TV. Will you make them available?VOICE: My social media is in my personal capacity.VOICE: Mr. Chairman, I have to tell you, this is the most extraordinary thing I have seen in my brief time in the Senate. glenn beck today show transcript. So who do we have? And we will not be satisfied until Ukraine is fully liberated, from the pro-NATO political elites. Click on the radio listener special square. Think Chinese. And I don't think any of you are going to be the same.And they all just kind of looked at him. I'm like, Mr. King. The reason why we have conspiracy theories, is, one, nobody is being held accountable. If I'm not mistaken, I don't have it in front of me. Okay?So now that's three.North Korea, as this threat grows, the allies are of America. You need 90 percent purity.They say this is, if it hasn't happened yet, we are within days of them being able to enrich plutonium.Or uranium. And nobody seems to be talking about it, at all. It was a very, very funny way. He goes on to Trump and The View, et cetera, et cetera. Because they don't say the same things in Arabic, that they will in English.But I want you to be well aware, of what is being said there.There is just a -- an interview, that happened on Arabia. These people are crazy enough to do it.I mean, we don't even know, who blew up the pipeline?Who belie it up?If it wasn't us, who was it?I mean, the western detectives went in, what was it?Sweden, Norway.They went in. And will happen, and you must prepare your family for this.Russian defense ministry, a journal from the Russian defense ministry says Moscow is developing a new type of military strategy, using nuclear weapons to protect against possible US aggression.Now, they're saying that they are developing, a new strategic response, and they are going with that.However, that's preparing. Huh?After all that, how are you sleeping?If your wife has been sharpening knives and she's not too happy with you, if she heard today's show and she is like, 50 percent chance. We don't know. Relief Factor sleep is 100 percent drug-free.I have -- I have never taken a sleep product, where you don't feel it the next day.I've had -- what the? We have a moment of, a-ha! So if any military operations begin, it will cause a massive explosion.Keep your eye on Moldova.But here's the thing, that you must know. I told you so!Yet, nothing changes. I do.STU: No. I don't care about politics.This is a universal lie. You were the local host. 0. Why were -- how did that happen?STU: You have a lot of questions on that?GLENN: Yeah. 149,637 talking about this. I love B.B. Their entire careers, destroyed.Because that is absolutely not true. And it is very difficult for the public to hold anyone accountable, after the fact.When an emergency presents the opportunity to achieve power, under the state of exception, it is always best to manufacture the narrative, to secure that power as quickly as possible.And then make the adjustments later, after the power is firmly in hand.