These workers from Western Sydney work in potentially dangerous work environments. Designed to meet the toughest standards, our FR range is built to give you the added time you need that could save your life. Product Features document.getElementById("copyright_year").innerHTML = new Date().getFullYear(); 6HFV - JB's Coloured Tricot Vest The Hi Vis Ultrasonic Heated Tunnel Jacket offers the best in high visibility standards and insulation solutions. Sydney | Melbourne | Brisbane | Hobart | Adelaide | Perth | Darwin | Australia, 2023 Total Image Group | Privacy Policy, Uniforms | Custom Uniforms | Uniforms for Work, 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Unisex Hi Vis Vic Rail 2 in 1 Softshell Jacket, Mens Rugged Cooling Taped Hi Vis Spliced S/S Shirt, HAPPY WORLD WILDLIFE DAY! Product Features Online hi Vis work wear in Brisbane is very popular among highway workers. This Standard specifies requirements for the design, construction and performance of high visibility safety garments.The AS/NZS 4602.1: 2011 Standard includes requirements for the following: Garment construction Reflective materials Colour and retroreflectivity Performance requirementsThere are also standards for clothing which is not specifically designed for hi vis purposes, but which can be used to make clothing more visible. Segmented tape to improve comfort, movement, and breathability Do you need to find a safe and compliant newworkwear or hi vis uniform for your business? $79.95. 100% Cotton Twill - 170 gsm Shirts; Polos & T-Shirts; Pants; Shorts; . A branded uniform is also tax deductible. Hi vis t shirts and singlets can help workers keep cool under hot conditions, as they are made from fabrics that breathe and sit loosely on the body. forms: { Australian standard AS/NZS 4602.1: 2011 High Visibility Safety Garments sets out the requirements for high visibility safety garments. Product Features See below for examples of Class D compliant garments. Finally, youll need to choose hi vis workwear thats comfortable to wear. Generic reflective tape and underarm. Womens hi vis work shirts are a great way to stay safe and visible on the job site. shop now Best seller 100% Polyester 120 GSM CR-V32 High Vis Day/Night Vest $3.63 + print 100% Polyester 120 GSM CR-V22 High Vis Day Vest $2.72 + print 100% Polyester 120 GSM The standard specifies the requirements for design, construction, performance, and markings of high visibility safety garments. We stock a great range of Casual Men's clothing and work uniforms. No matter what type of hi vis work shirt you choose, make sure to always wear it when youre on the job. We strictly follow the Austrlian safety standards and make sure any . } These standards are important in ensuring the safety of workers who need to be visible in low light or dark conditions. Currently Refined by Category: Safety Hi Vis Workwear, Refine by Category: Safety Hi Vis Hoodies, Refine by Category: Safety Hi Vis Jackets, Refine by Product Features: Durable Water Repellent, Refine by Product Features: Knee Pad Pockets, Refine by Product Features: Lightweight Fabric, Refine by Product Features: Moisture Management, Refine by Product Features: Ripstop Fabric, Refine by Product Features: UPF 50+ Rating, Refine by Product Features: High Visibility Day, Refine by Product Features: High Visibility Day/Night, Refine by Product Features: Water Resistant, Refine by Product Features: Wind Resistant, Shieldtec Lenzing FR Hi-Vis Spliced Open Front Taped Shirt, Womens Shieldtec Lenzing FR Hi-Vis Spliced Open Front Taped Shirt, Womens Shieldtec Lenzing FR Hi-Vis Open Front Taped Shirt, Workcool 2 Women's Hi Vis Reflective Spliced Shirt Long Sleeve, Workcool 2 Hi Vis Reflective Spliced Shirt Long Sleeve, Women's Reflective Spliced Drill Shirt Long Sleeve, Workcool 2 Women's Hi Vis Spliced Shirt Long Sleeve, Workcool 2 Women's Hi Vis Reflective Shirt Long Sleeve, ShieldTec Fr Hi Vis 2 Tone Open Front Taped Shirt, Womens Workcool Vented Closed Front Shirt Taped Long Sleeve, Women's Workcool Vented Spliced Shirt Long Sleeve, Workcool Vented Closed Front Shirt Taped Long Sleeve, ShieldTec FR Hi Vis 2 Tone Closed Front Taped Shirt, Workcool Vented Spliced Shirt Taped Short Sleeve, ShieldTec FR Hi Vis Closed Front Taped Shirt, ShieldTec FR Hi Vis Two Tone Coverall With FR Tape. Product Features - Class R: Reflective fabric for (Night Use Only). Shop a range of belt styles - leather, stretch webbing, reversible and more, Find out more information about our B2B services or submit an enquiry. Ensuring that your workers are covered from top to bottom is essential for protecting them with visibility conditions are poor, such as at night and during inclement weather.Browse our extensive range of hats below or contact us for more information. Please contact us for a quote on shipping to your location, Unit 28/1, Kingston Road, Heatherton VIC 3202. Shop for the latest range of Men's Hi-Vis Work Clothing. No matter which of our vests you have selected, rest assured that it will provide you with the visibility and safety that you require. Shop now for fast shipping Australia-wide on all hi-vis work clothes. Privacy Policy. Two side pockets with Hook-Pile Tape closure Join the mailing list to stay updated on news and special offers from KingGee. Shop Men's Corporate Wear - Modern Suit Jackets, Pants, Shirts and Accessories, Shop Women's Corporate Wear - Modern Jackets, Pants, Skirts, Dressed and accessories. KingGee are still today's leader in industrial clothing in Australia and they offer a range of durable and functional workwear for the most demanding jobs. Email: Another thing to consider when choosing hi vis workwear is the level of visibility you need. Speak to our team for the best advice on how to keep your team safe and visible at work. Mesh venting to increase breathability in the under arm, ZH231 - Unisex Hi Vis Basic Spliced Polo - Short Sleeve Sign up for our FREE e-Newsletter and Exclusive offers. Other Details. 2037 Hi-Vis Lightweight NSW Rail X-Back Breathable Biomotion Taped Shirt. WorkArmours Hurricane Hi Vis Waterproof Jacket is made from waterproof and windproof fabric, with sealed seams to keep out the rain and snow. Highly ZW229 - Mens Rugged Cooling Hi Vis Segmented Tape L/S Shirt - SYZMIK It also features a thermal lining to keep you warm in cold weather, and a storm hood to protect your head from the elements. 2023 The Workers Shop - Safety, Hi-Vis & Corporate Workwear. Country, Work and Western Wear . If youre looking for a more relaxed fit, there are also many options available.