Common to all: rum. This may vary depending on the strength of the blender. This is for a school function. Pour unstrained into a double old-fashioned glass. A commonly found recipe in the Caribbean includes water, light rum, grapefruit juice, orange juice, pineapple juice, cinnamon, and honey . The blends typically come from Jamaica, Barbados, Guyana, and Trinidad. Sailors experimented with different local spices. Unlike the Mai Tai, this was never a drink that was under any dispute as to who invented it. Strain into double old-fashioned glass with ice-cone around straw. Known in some circles asspelldeck or punch, youve likely heard of this royal ration by its more common name: grog. pint brandy. MCO P10110.4G., "_blank"); One serving of Grog contains 233 calories. The drink that drove his passion for tiki and fuelled him on a mission to uncover many of the classic cocktails and ingredients that make up the foundation of this faux Polynesian paradox. Sweet, Sour STRENGTH DIFFICULTY easy INGREDIENTS 2 oz Dark Rum .75 oz Lime Juice .5 oz Demerara Syrup 1 oz Water INSTRUCTIONS Step one Add all ingredients to a tiki mug filled with ice and stir to. We revised the Logs Navy Grog recipe to take advantage of this syrup; now you can quickly shake up your honeyed Grog, instead of having to use heat and a blender. NAVY GROG Shake all ingredients except soda with crushed ice and pour into a double old-fashioned glass. Both of their recipes are featured here, with Don the Beachcomber's being this first listing. Cheers! Today, the Cavalry Grog. Place, upright, in a narrow freezer-safe glass, and freeze until completely firm, about 8 hours. 12 ounce orgeat syrup (may sub with almond liqueur) 12 cup crushed ice. In 1950 North Korea invaded the Republic of South Korea. You'll want the edges poking up over the top. The drink was regarded as so strong that it was limited to only two per person, with its potency even going on legal record when a Trader Vic bartender testified on its strength during the trial of Phil Spector and the murder of Hollywood actress Lana Clarkson. Trader Vic's has a claim on the cocktail's invention as well. Grog Addition #4. Strong, flavoursome navy rum with a splash of scurvy-inhibiting lime. Most modern bartenders choose a sugar mixture. Why cant you just add the honey straight into the cocktail? Come along for the ride! So, go ahead, buy rum online. 1. 2023 Group Nine Media Inc. All Rights Reserved. If you are ready to enjoy the drink that so many sailors have enjoyed as well, you need the right set of ingredients. Put sugar in bowl, add grated rind of three lemons, juice of two lemons, juice of two oranges, pour in boiling tea. (See our definitive guide to, According to ex-Beachcomber barman Tony Ramos, it was one of Frank Sinatras favorites at the Palm Springs Don The Beachcombers. We've simplified the steps and the ingredients bringing you a . DOH! So yes, its a classic Don the Beachcomber recipe, with all of his tiki trademarks - 3 rums instead of 1 (like why would you only use one rum eh? Grog is any variety of spirits mixed with water. Add in the Club Soda, stir, and serve! Standard grog is a simple mixture of rum and water. This little rhyme was once the most coveted drink recipe in the British Royal Navy. Ingredients 3/4 ounce or 1-1/2 tablespoons fresh lime juice; 3/4 ounce or 1-1/2 tablespoons fresh grapefruit juice ; 1 ounce or 2 tablespoons passionfruit juice or guava juice; 1 ounce or 2 tablespoons honey mix (1 part honey dissolved and well mixed in 1 part room-temperature water) 1 ounce or 2 tablespoons dark . Garnish with a mint sprig and rock candy swizzle THE RECIPE oz Lime Juice oz Grapefruit Juice oz Rich Demerara Syrup oz Tiki Spices 1 oz Light Rum 1 oz Gold Rum 1 oz , 2021-10-14 Navy Grog Drink Recipe. Cut a lime in half and juice. The Biggest difference is the ice. Posted February 13, 2006. url = '' + '/details/' + str + '/'; America soldiers first saw war during the revolution. } This version is closest to Trader Vic's recipe, but the traditional ice-cone serve is a Donn Beach touch. The good thing is that the recipe is. This Navy Grog cocktail is a great historical tiki cocktail. It has long been synonymous with maritime history and a staple of countless sailors. Top with more crushed ice, and fill with soda water. Bright Cellars is the monthly wine club that ma. 2017-02-17 The Navy lays claim to the grog, which originally referred to a drink of water and rum. Rum is an alcoholic drink that comes from distilled sugarcane. 1/2 ounce Donn's mix * 1/2 ounce falernum. Sailors required a solution to these problems, and thus grog was born. (adsbygoogle = window.adsbygoogle || []).push({}); Nutrition Facts : Calories 227.7, Fat 0.2, Sodium 7.9, Carbohydrate 8, Fiber 1.6, Sugar 4.5, Protein 0.5. function react(obj,id, value) { Cut a grapefruit in quarters and juice. Back To List . Whilst former President, Richard Nixon had more than a passing penchant for Trader Vics version! 1 ounce orange curaao. Serve and enjoy. Blend everything at high speed for no more than 5 seconds. There are hundreds of variations. Add 6-9 oz. The British Royal Navy began doling out rum rations in 1655, shortly after their momentous victory over the Spanish in Jamaica. The boxer rebellion was stopped in tientsin by themagnificent 9th Infantry earning them their nickname "Manchu." NAVY GROG Shake all ingredients except soda with crushed ice and pour into a double old-fashioned glass. Sugarcane or honey added a sweet flavoring. Pour in the rum, the rest of the water, and ice. I have recipes for several "regimental" punches, but no ceremonial order andexplanation. UNITED STATES NAVY . 2. url: url, The reason being that this is what he used when he worked at SF Trader Vic's back in 2005. It was a way to enhance and preserve the water they stored on the ship and get vitamins to fight diseases such as scurvy. is a participant in the Amazon Services LLC Associates Program, an affiliate advertising program designed to provide a means for sites to earn advertising fees by advertising and linking to and Making grog can be a fun group activity for you and your friends. Blend at high speed for 2-3 seconds. If youre flash blending, you should never just run it for 3-5 seconds, otherwise itll turn to water, snow or a mixture of both. 3/4 ounce fresh lime juice. Cut a grapefruit in quarters and juice. Our new Sipper of the Month will put you right in the mood and back in the game! Alas, this tradition became too good to be true and on July 31, 1970, the last of the daily Grog rations were handed out aboard British Ships. Navy grog tail recipe navy grog navy grog tail recipe tropical drink gastronom tails navy grog tail recipe 4min liquor online. But theres no brackish water and sea shanties to be had here! The grog bowl is an "accessory" traditional to a dinings-in, although it is not required. Fill the blender with ice. . Bitterwere the wars in this true life and death struggle. If you have a pulse button then use this, but if you dont youll need to turn it on and off fast. 1 1/2 oz Hamilton Beachbum Navy Grog Rum. In 1740, as an attempt to combat drunkenness, Admiral Vernon gave orders that the standard daily issue of half a pint of neat, high-proof rum be replaced with two servings of a quarter of a pint, diluted 4:1 with water. Maybe through the passage of time it has come to mean alcohol in general. We are going to learn how to make an authentic sailors grog. :-)>>. 3. I keep a tossin' em and you keep a missin' " Foghorn. The Royal Navy's grog recipe includes lemon juice, water, rum, and cinnamon. 2. The lightest of the three, DeGroff's version mixes up to 12 percent ABV (24 proof), or about the strength of a Rum & Coke. 1 ounce 151-proof demerara rum. If Pusser's cannot be obtained, another dark rum will serve. We hate to let truth ruin a good story but drinks historians now say that grog emanates from an earlier period than Old Grogram. In short, navy rum is the most authentic and tasty choice for your grog recipe. Grog is, most simply, a mixture of water and rum, with more complicated versions adding spices, citrus fruits, or sugar. They needed an alcoholic drink that was in a diluted form. classes, connecting and enriching Shopping List; Ingredients; Notes (1) Reviews (0) limes ; . Sailors began drinking rum on their ships, but they could not pack enough of it for an entire voyage. Share. Producing a drink that is preferred by many due to the additional layers and subtleties of the allspice. 1 1/2 ounces Puerto Rican gold rum. 1 ounce barbados golden rum (or use more dark rum) 12 ounce fresh lime juice. Ingredients .5 ounces Fresh Lime Juice 2 teaspoons Sugar 1.5 ounces Pussers Rum 1 ounce Water Instructions Combine all the ingredients over ice, stir vigorously and toast rapidly and repeatedly. Don as ever matching his mixology skills with his marketing nous. Put sugar in bowl, add grated rind of three lemons, juice of two lemons, juice of two oranges, pour in boiling tea. When youre making a grog drink, how much alcohol you want to add is up to you. So Victor Bergeron, Donns tiki rival and peer, made his own riff of the Navy Grog. After being secretly driven down, Nixon would spend hours drinking his favourite drink and pouring out his heart to the barman. It was introduced as part of a sailors rations in the 18th Century by. This is going to be the channel for the straw to go through later. The history of , 2021-09-16 Grog Beginnings. }); COG I Stock No. Chill. url = '/react.php?id='+id+'&value='+value; 2021-05-13 It certainly leans more toward that traditional 18th-century grog of British sailors and is an equally great cocktail. When you enjoy a mug of grog, you probably wont think of it as a health drink. Add all ingredients to a tiki mug filled with ice and stir to combine. For these building, pioneers and explorers, we addBlackberry Wine, sweet but tart, reminding us of the fabulous woodlawns andforests when America was young. The original rum used in grog did not become available to the public until the 1980s. Trader Vic's Navy Grog:There is not a big difference in this recipe from Don the Beachcomber's above. Blog / Drinks / How to Make Grog the Sailors Drink. Cut a lime in half and juice your limes. Ingredients. This ceremony, then, while designed anddedicated to the America Infantryman, Is in fact equally respondent to theblood and sweat, dreams and hopes that have built America. Enter the Navy Grog. Chill a Double-Rocks glass. Our free to use website requires cookies, as almost all websites do. Grogs were probably originally sweetened with honey and you may want to try substituting three spoons of runny honey in place of the sugar syrup. You want the ice as powdery as possible. Either email addresses are anonymous for this group or you need the view member email addresses permission to view the original message, I need the receipe the the traditional "punch" GROGthat is mixed at many. If you dont have a Lewis bag and mallet you could use a clean bar towel to wrap the ice in and then whack it with a rolling pin. Shake together and strain into a rock`s glass with . The contents should be non-alcoholic as to not dampen the spirits . Facebook page opens in new window Instagram page opens in new window Mail page opens in new window. Thememory of Vietnam still lingers today. This day became known as Black Tot Day (the daily ration was known as The Tot), and many people commemorate the occasion by drinking rum or grog. His practice of wearing a coat made from grogham cloth led to the nickname Old Grog, which then lent itself to the drink. Trader Vic's, on the other hand, is a little stronger at 22 percent ABV (44 proof), or so. 13 Simple Navy Bean Recipes. Remember, traditional grog had a 4:1 ratio. Garnish with an orange slice and cherry skewer. >Give V-Man a couple of hours and he will settle down. Shake well . Just pour all ingredients into a mug and stir for a few seconds. Sgt. Serves / Yield: 1 serving Ready in: 4 min Nutrition: approximately 131 Calories 8 Review Ratings: 4+ stars (must be logged in to review) INCIO; how to oneshot zealots with aote; when was george bush intercontinental airport built? For the brave men onboth sides of this terrible confict we add Kentucky Bourbon, madeappropriately in a border state claimed and fought over by both sides. However, without a "grog bowl," some other means of punishment for infractions should be considered. Each of the rums can be stronger than 80 proof, and the volume of soda can vary when it's included. The contents of the grog bowl are best left to the imagination of the planning committee. Pour into two glasses. Pusser's Rum (using the empty limeade can or can-and-a-half as a measure.) Shake until your cocktail shaker feels cold, and strain your Grog into an Old Fashioned glass. It certainly leans more toward that traditional 18th-century grog of British sailors and is an equally great cocktail. There are kind souls out there that take pity on everyone who has to drink from the bowl and you'll, on rare occasions, get a grog bowl that isn't going to unintentionally poison the unit. The Biggest difference is the ice. Lemons and limes helped prevent scurvy, an illness caused by a lack of Vitamin C. Thanks to grog, sailors began to see their health improve. Like any good trailer, this new footage leaves us with a Corellian . But theres no brackish water and sea shanties to be had here! 2009-04-21 330. A bitter and confusingwar to the soldiers and though largely unsupported at home, the Infantrymandisplayed the incredible bravery for which he has always been known. They made grog by combining rum and water. Get our free book when you sign up for our newsletter. Many of these found their way into grog recipes. Don Beach's Navy grog mixes up to around 18 percent ABV (36 proof), for instance. When you pour it in your glass, you should still be able to see crushed ice in with the liquid. He later allowed them to trade their bread and salt in for limes and sugar, which the sailors then smartly added to the rum and water. Follow the recipe closely, or add a personal twist. NAVY GROG ICE CONE. Recipes I culled from an old southern cookbook: Jeff Davis Punch; SeventhRegiment National Guard Punch; Chatham Artillery Punch (British); CharlestonLight Dragoon's Punch. Trader Vics version of Navy Grog was said to be a firm favourite with the then President Richard Nixon, a former Navy Lieutenant who had served in the South Pacific. Sip drink through straw. Grog is fun and easy to make. Described on Don the Beachcombers menu as, A robust rum punch dedicated to the gallant men of the American navy, it certainly ticked all the boxes of manly appeal. Fill with ice; cover with lid, and shake vigorously , 2019-03-28 Add cup of demerara sugar and 1 cups of granulated sugar to 1 cup of water in a pan (making a 2:1 rich syrup). Vernon wore a coat of grogram cloth and was nicknamed Old , Don the Beachcomber's Navy Grog: Yields. } Additionally, the high alcohol content of rum often caused drunkenness. We will begin by having our youngest Shave Tail add the base to the grog. To make grog, you will need a bottle of Navy Rum. After Korea, America enjoyed post war peace and prosperity. It was introduced to a naval squadron commanded by British Vice Admiral Edward Vernon in 1740. No electrons were harmed in the posting of this message. There is a poem A little water to make it weak, A little sugar to make it sweet; Grog is a term used for a variety of alcoholic beverages.The word originally referred to rum diluted with water (and later on long sea voyages, also added the juice of limes or lemons), which British Vice-Admiral Edward Vernon introduced into the naval squadron he commanded in the West Indies on 21 August 1740. We store no personal details. Well send you our daily roundup of all our favorite stories from across the site, from travel to food to shopping to entertainment. 0g. Back in the 40's, men were men and fancy cocktails were err a little unmanly. The traditional navy grog recipe is an outcome of a variety of factors. Subscribe to stay informed! He went by the name Old Grog.. Submit. Serve with fresh speared fruit or mint for garnish, if desired. str = $(this).attr('id'); Victor Bergeron's Navy Grog Recipe Vs Donn Beach's Recipe. Decorate with spent lime shell, rock candy stick, fresh mint, and fresh mint. The German wehrmacht unchallenged in Europe and Africa and in theeast the war machine of the rising sun challenged world democracy. Disney just dropped a new trailer giving us a closer look at Season 3 and the further adventures of Din Djarin and little Grogu. From the Spanish-America war until WW1, America Infantrymen fought bravelyin the pacific. The original rum used in grog did not become available to the public until the 1980s. 1 ounce of dark rum. So, go ahead, buy rum online. It was here thatAmerica ingenuity, individuality, stealth and steadfast determinationcarried the day. Grog, a simple mixture of rum and water, soon became a staple item for sailors all over the world. The Swimming Pool Cocktail, Original Recipe. Dale DeGroff's Navy Grog:Dale DeGroff (also known as King Cocktail) has a completely different take on Navy grog in his book, "The Craft of the Cocktail." 1 quart sherry. Strain into a collins glass filled with fresh ice. can of Minute Maid Frozen Limeade into a blender. Navy bean soup, ham bone, pasta salad, white bean salad, creamy salsa verde. Rate this Navy Grog recipe with 1 oz light rum, 1 oz dark jamaican rum, 1 oz barbados golden rum (or use more dark rum), 1/2 oz fresh lime juice, 1/2 oz passion fruit or 1/2 oz guava nectar, 1/2 oz pineapple juice, 1/2 oz orange juice, 1/2 oz orgeat syrup (may sub with almond liqueur), 1/2 cup crushed ice For the Allspice Dram, we recommend making your own as it is. The grog bowl should not be a pleasant experience and that mixture should help prevent it from being one. I've heard it said, You can tell a newly opened cocktail bar is successful when they need a second bottle of Angostura. Copyright odd firm of sin 2023. Step 1. More Details . :-). 5.01. Do not allow to boil. Estimating the alcohol content on a drink like this is tricky. I Could Have Been a Cheese Ball, but the Pecans Let Me Down Caramelized Tomato Salad With San Simn Cheese, Chocolate Chip Meringues (using Powdered Egg Whites). Ingredients 1 ounce dark Jamaican rum 1 ounce gold demerara rum 1 ounce white Cuban or Puerto Rican rum 1 ounce honey syrup * 3/4 ounce club soda, chilled 3/4 ounce grapefruit juice, freshly squeezed 3/4 ounce lime juice, freshly squeezed Garnish: mint sprig Garnish: lime wheel Steps Infractions warranting a trip to the grog bowl may be noted at any time by the President, Vice President, or any member of the mess. Vernon wore a coat of grogram cloth and was nicknamed Old Grogram or Old Grog.Merriam Webster's Collegiate Dictionary, which agrees with this story of the . For over 300 years the British Navy issued a daily 'tot' of rum, sometimes with double issues before battle. Incorporate the brown sugar into the shaker, then add some warm water (2 oz.) Bring to simmer at medium heat and stir until sugar fully dissolves. As grog soared in popularity among sailors, some added lemon or lime to the beverage. When reporting to the Punch or Grog Bowl, the unhappy cadet will salute the grog, receive a glass full of punch, drink all the contents, upend the glass over his/her head to show it is completely empty, then return the glass to the Master of the Punch, salute the grog one last time, and return to his/her seat. You do not have permission to delete messages in this group, Profanity is the linguistic crutch of the illiterate mother f**ker, >Profanity is the linguistic crutch of the illiterate mother f**ker, "It was a joke son. A history of the American Infantry is a history of America--From herrevolution, through the rough pioneer days to her modern role as leader ofthe western world. The Royal Navy's grog recipe includes lemon juice, water, rum, and cinnamon. Created circa 1940 by Donn Beach at his Don the Beachcomber restaurant and subsequently reimagined by others, most notably Trader Vic. True to his honour the bartender never shared what Nixon told him. He is the head bartender at the two-Michelin-star restaurant, Gabriel Kreuther, crafting cocktail menus that have caught international attention. In heat-proof mug, add rum and lime juice. Flour House Bakery Tomball . Navy Grog - Don the Beachcomber oz Lime Juice oz Grapefruit Juice oz Soda Water 1 oz Honey mix (1:1) 1 oz Light Rum (Bacardi 8) 1 oz Dark Jamaican Rum (Appleton Reserve) 1 oz Demerara Rum (Lemon-Hart) Navy Grog - Trader Vic's, adapted by Smuggler's Cove oz Lime Juice oz Grapefruit Juice oz Demerara syrup oz Pimento Dram (Hamilton) Modern usage [ edit] Check out Barstool Sports for more: http://www.barstoolsports.comFollow Zero Blog Thirty here:Facebook: https://twit. 0530-LP-011-3090 . Try this drink and others on our blog and share your favorites by tagging @drinknavyhill on Instagram! The Espresso Martini is itself a riff, by its creator, on his earlier Vodka Espresso. If you are looking to sharpen your mixology skills, we offer a wide variety of, Next, add lemon or lime. Today, many people across the world still consume it. This bad boy mixes up Gold Demerara Rum, dark Jamaican rum, white Cuban rum, honey mix, fresh lime juice, white grapefruit juice, and club soda, and is garnished with a lime wedge and mint for just a few extra touches of tropical rum cocktail . Servings Save Print Recipe Ingredients 1 oz Light Rum 1 oz Dark Jamaican Rum 1 oz Demerara Rum 1 oz Honey Mix - see the recipe below oz Fresh Lime Juice oz Fresh Grapefruit Juice oz Club Soda Water 1 Ice Cone with Straw - we show you how to make this super cool tiki garnish below 1 Mint Sprig 1 Lime Wedge Method 2 ounces water. An Eat Your Books index lists the main ingredients and does not include 'store-cupboard ingredients' (salt, pepper, oil, flour, etc.) The History of the Grog Bowl Formal military dinners are a tradition in all branches of the United States Armed Forces. 2020-12-03 Formal military dinners are a tradition in all branches of the United States Armed Forces. I didn't mean to go off like I was mad. Stir until the honey has fully dissolved, but do not let it boil. Despite this, there are several types of cookies that have their own distinct flavor and ingredients. Everything was born within the Royal Navy, that is the British Navy, when Vice Admiral Edward Old Grog Vernon introduced the drink that, in fact, develops after a series of attempts and solutions devised to disguise the muddy taste of drinking water stored on combat ships during long missions. PLUS, we even show you a hack on how to make your own Navy Grog Ice Cones! It's also going to dilute the good stuff that kind souls put in there. The spectrum of rum ranges from light, vodka-like extra-light white rums through to characterful cognac-like aged rums Allspice Pimento Dram is a spicy liqueur made by steeping pimento berries in rum. , pirates and sailors likely come to mind. 12 ounce passion fruit or 1/2 ounce guava nectar. We put a whole lotta love, lime and rum into our work, so if you think your friends would find this article useful, wed be thrilled if you could share it with them! The best in food and drink delivered daily. After the United States formed its own navy, they too began drinking navy rum on their ships. Cut a lime in half and juice. I also need the order>in which the liquors are added and the reason for each one being added to>the punch. Spinach Salad with Fennel and Blood Oranges, Pan Roasted Chicken Breast With Sage Vermouth Sauce, Shrimp and Avocado Salad with Frico Chips, Delicious Pie Bar: The Berry Overload Recipe by Tasty, Cooking Light Express Curried Chicken Saute, 1 ounce barbados golden rum (or use more dark rum), 1/2 ounce passion fruit or 1/2 ounce guava nectar, 1/2 ounce orgeat syrup (may sub with almond liqueur). This Grog recipe makes good use of the modern conveniences of clean water and ice, and is decidedly more palatable. Havana Club 3 aos) $.ajax({ Ice Cone: Firmly pack finely crushed ice into the bottom half of a 7-ounce plastic-lined paper cone. The process of turning it into a syrup stops this happening. Honey will blend nicely in something warm like tea, but as soon as it comes into contact with ice, it'll thicken up and create a lumpy mess. . The ice cone is a signature garnish for the Navy Grog but it can be a pain to make, Beachbum Berry collaborated with. Sailors of the time easily fell under the spell of rums potent authority. The drink was regarded as so strong that it was limited to only two per person, with its potency even going on legal record when a Trader Vic bartender testified on its strength during the trial of Phil Spector and the murder of Hollywood actress. As it was passed from bartender to bartender, things were missed, added, misinterpreted, or simply personalized. The drink helped them receive the vitamins they needed, and grog remained a staple item among sailors. 1/2 ounce of freshly squeezed lemon or lime, Turn off the heat, and add the rest of the ingredients, Find team building activities, professional courses and expert's lectures, Top 11 Portuguese Phrases You Need to Learn Before Going to Brazil. Sean is an award-winning bartender with over 15 years of experience in the industry. Later the Spanish waragain brought us in contact with a European power. The Indian wars followed as the Infantry learned to respect the mostmagnificent mounted Infantryman in history-- The Indian warrior. Heat the pan and bring the , Recipe. Try to purchase fresh citrus and squeeze it right before adding it to the grog. Strain into a chilled rocks , 1 ounce Demerara rum. What is a Chess Grandmaster? In contrast, alcohol did not cause health problems because it was a fermented drink. Ice cone, you say? Pack a pilsner glass with finely shaved ice, run a chopstick through the middle to . Navy grog is made with a blend of three rums, grapefruit, lime and honey. The hot water ensures that everything blends well. of Trader Vic's Grog Concentrate (GC) and . Our free to use website requires cookies, as almost all websites do. 2018-08-30 Fill a double old fashioned glass with crushed ice, then add both rums, lime, grapefruit juice, simple syrup, and allspice dram. 1 ounce of navy rum or demerara rum. The years after that war were lean. Nutrition Facts (per serving) 390. However, as Trader Vics recipe is still a partial secret (the ingredients of his Navy Grog mix have never been revealed! NAVY GROG ICE CONE Pack a pilsner glass with finely shaved ice, run a chopstick through the middle to make a hole for the straw, and then gently remove cone from glass. The drink began exactly as it sounds, as a refreshment for British sailors. Add all ingredients to a tiki mug filled with ice and stir to combine. Now, turn it on to blend and immediately hit stop.
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