Email: Industrial policy particularly when it's being implemented by the executive branch rather than written by the Congress should be based on economics, not politics, to avoid becoming a vehicle to implement whatever ideological view holds sway at a particular moment. Email: 1 in overall reach of U.S. opinion leaders. Since he first entered the race in 2015, Trump has benefited from a natural sense of command. Wall Street Journal Send to Letters: Email Op-eds: Email as preferred method of submission. Provide sources of quotations and factual references for copy-editing purposes. Reach statewide contact Dan Hawkins, opinion curator, at The books nearly all have LGBTQ+ or racial themes. This opinion and video series features solutions-oriented ideas and Previously, he reported on economics for the Wall Street Journal and was managing editor of Vedomosti, a Russian-language business daily. Max of 700 words, plus a head and shoulders picture, and a short bio. Artist, storyteller and entrepreneur Hebru Brantley takes us on a journey from his childhood in Chicago discovering fine art, to studying film in Atlanta, to struggling to make ends meet while styling rappers and designing concert posters. WebBy Houston Chronicle Editorial Board. Your own commentary should be 600-650 words. Ron DeSantis has tended to do better against Trump in head-to-head polling (although he trails in a new Yahoo poll), and Trump has looked vulnerable in all-important Iowa and New Hampshire. Must let them know if you have sent your piece to other outlets. May become property of the Star. No anonymous submissions. 150 words or fewer. Op-eds: Op-eds are views of an expert in a particular field. Op-eds: Prefers 800 words or less, but will consider a submission of up to 1,000 words if it is about an important issue. Send via email, no attachments, to They look for stories that are timely and provide a feminist perspective on news events, underrepresented topics, stories that analyze the the medias treatment of women, and stories about women in the media industry. Politics | Opinion - The New York Times They prefer text to an attachment. Op-eds should be about public policy issues not personalities. Include name of author followed by the topic in the subject line, and paste the text of the article into the body of the message. Deal with a single subject. If you are responding to a specific article, letter, or editorial, please include date of publication. East Palestine trail derailment becomes a chapter in the culture Kalamazoo - Timothy L. O'Brien is senior executive editor of Bloomberg Opinion. Before submitting your letter to the editor, please type your name at the end, as though you are signing it. Previously, he was a senior editor at the Atlantic. Letters: Send emails without attachments to And we are not afraid to risk failure if it means being the best at what we do. It is the most robust news operation and information service in the world specializing in politics and policy, which informs the most influential audience in the world with insight, edge, and authority. Letters: To submit a letter to the editor, fill out this form. The political cartoon depicting Tucker Carlson (Feb. 25-26) was awkward for The Email: More than 200 members of the staff joined a Zoom call with the editor in Run by the mayor? Letters to the Editor. Op-eds: Email Opinion Editor, Barbara Peters Smith, at They should be no longer than 400 words and include the name, daytime phone number and e-mail address of the author. National or international news that impact Atlanta readers welcome as well. Mail: Letters to the Editor, Democrats and Chronicle, 55 Exchange Boulevard, Rochester, NY 14614. Industrial policy should be guided by economics, not politics. Op-eds: About 750 words. Kim Reynolds. In the 2016 primary debates, he was the tall, orange-hued man standing in the middle of the stage, hushing the other candidates as necessary. Politics. Op-eds: Submit through their online form here. Email: No attachments, include name, Twitter handle, numbers, byline identification with an affiliation or expertise that is related to the essay. Rachel Rosenthal is a member of the editorial board covering health care and an editor at Bloomberg Opinion. Hes the creator of the movement that nearly everyone else wants to take over or, at the very least, accommodate. Letters are published online and in print. Click links for criteria. Letters: Email: News, Analysis and Opinion from POLITICO. Must be exclusive to the News Journal. All writers must provide full name, full home address and day and evening telephone numbers. You should provide a cover note giving a brief summary of the article including the authors day and evening phone numbers. Op-eds: No longer than 650 words. Letters: No pseudonyms or or anonymity. Email: Email to George Pyle at Please provide your name, city and telephone number (telephone numbers will not be published). Email: Letter must include your address and a daytime number. Op-eds: 650 word limit. E-mail: Email: This list is far from exhaustive. This new structure aims to create a framework to lead the publication into the future, with an eye to ambitious growth and expansion plans. Op-Ed Guidelines for The Wall Street Journal. My Turn should be the subject line title. Also include day and evening numbers, and a short bio of the writer. Local topics and authors preferred. They prefer that you do not send it as an attachment. Submit to this online form. The leadership team will be composed of seven editors, all reporting to Anderlini. Interested in public policy, especially state and local. Strong opinion. All Commentary and Views submissions should include links to source material for facts and figures mentioned in the essay. The Daily News reserves the right to edit letters. They chose not to do so. Include day number and street address. They should come from authors who are authoritative on the topic or offer some unique perspective. Op-eds: 750 words for op-ed pieces. In addition to this group, who will manage operations on a day-to-day basis, the expanded editorial leadership group will include five Associate Editors who will be involved in major strategic decision-making. Op-eds: Email: Op-eds: Contents must be sent in body of email message -- plain text only, no attachments. We seek to offer readers a wide range of views on public policy issues. Letters: Preferred length is a maximum of 200 words. Op-eds selected for the print edition rarely exceed 500 words. Include real name, mailing address, and telephone number. Jamil Anderlini, POLITICO Europes Editor-in-Chief, today announced a new editorial leadership team which will come into effect in stages Include name, home address, day number, and email. Letters: Generally, we limit letters to 200 words. That departure from established practice sets a worrisome precedent for tying ideological strings to federal funding, with the potential to direct money to politically favored corporations rather than the most effective manufacturers. Op-eds: Send drafts no longer than 1000 words to Email: Deadline for all submissions is Friday noon of the week preceding publication. Their Commentary and Views section includes articles that express an opinion on issues and policies affecting higher education as well as those that explore through the authors personal experience, some aspects of the larger academic community. Submit to and also include a high resolution photo of yourself with a short biographical paragraph. But that fundamental principle is not being applied to the CHIPS Act, and new rules announced this week show that the Biden administration plans to wield the act to advance social programs at corporations that receive semiconductor subsidies. But if the federal government wants to address that issue, it should do so in an honest, straightforward manner. Submissions should be 700-750 words. To increase your chances of publication, join us any Thursday at 5pm ET for our Ask A Journalist office hours. Subject matter must be relevant, provocative, constructive, and timely. Email: These are not hard-and-fast rules. Emailed letters do not require a signature but must contain the full name of the writer, street address and phone number for verification purposes. By The Editorial Board The Editorial Board Watching the Op-eds: The Nation is a weekly journal of left and liberal opinion. Letters should be signed, except e-mail. USA TODAY is owned by Gannett Co., Inc. For more than 150 years, Times readers have expected their newspaper to provide the most thorough and uncompromising coverage in the world. Political cartoon proof paper sold out to left. Paste in text. Include day phone number. Email: Op-eds: Any topic in your area of expertise and of local, regional, or state interest. We do this wherever, whenever and however our customers need it. Submit here. Letters: Letters, not exceeding 200 words, must include your full name, address and telephone numbers. You can cancel at any time! Email: She has worked in New York, Hong Kong and Singapore. The Times has won more Pulitzer prizes than any other news organization and remains No. Op-eds longer/shorter than that will not be considered. [Updated as of September 2022]. Be sure to include your contact email. The article should run between 800-1200 words. 600-1200 jargon-free words submitted as the body of an email rather than an attachment. Form here. Email: Letters must be the original words of the writer and may be edited for taste, accuracy, clarity and length. The committee advanced a bill that would bar books depicting sex acts from school libraries. Opinion: On Ukraine, Biden outshines Macron, Scholz and DeSantis. Include your name, address and phone number to be considered for publication. The leadership team will be composed of seven editors, all reporting to Anderlini. They require publication rights for print/online. By logging in, you confirm acceptance of ourPOLITICO Privacy Policy. The Orlando Sentinel Editorial Board includes Editor-in-Chief Julie Anderson, Opinion Page Editor Krys Fluker and Viewpoints Editor Jay Reddick. Founded in 1847, Chicago Tribune is the flagship publication of the Chicago Tribune Media Group. They should not be in direct response to previous op/ed columns, syndicated columns, letters to the editor or Tulsa World editorials. Only your name, city and ZIP code will be published. Send Your View to allison silver - Opinion Editor - Politico | LinkedIn Letters should be 250 words. Only previously unpublished pieces. It should have a theme that could be summarized in a single, complete sentence. Letters: Max. The Orlando Sentinel Editorial Board includes Editor-in-Chief Julie Anderson, Opinion Page Editor Krys Fluker and Viewpoints Editor Jay Reddick. Submit online here. Editorial: Let's keep state politics out of school libraries. They cannot be libelous, incendiary or offensive to broad portions of our readership. All submissions are edited. Chosen articles will be contacted. Donald Trump has had a terrible couple of months and still leads national polls for the Republican nomination handily.