They tend to be very creative and excel in Venusian activities like Arts. Hard to find some passion. Issues with Independence. They want their partner to feel extremely comfortable with telling them anything. Like pisces placements Ive met are soooo weirdd. People with sun square moon may not have a good emotional connection with their father / figure. People with Virgo in the 4th house or Moon in Virgo / Moon in 6th usually have a mother who put a lot on the childs future right away. In some cases, composite Pluto in the 5th house may bring obsession and jealousy, as well as some tough changes in couples intimate life. May meet & be-friend older people online and that could cause karma. They tend to take a loving on spiritual activities & divination tools. We both feel caged, trapped, but we want to be together..we need lots of space..time out..etc.. Ive also noticed a lot of Capricorn moons prefer to have small amount of friends that they are at least emotional connected to, they are mostly introverted. Especially creative couples can benefit a lot with this energy. possibly through what you use for personal pleasure (hobbies, drugs, sex, etc,)Type : Confident, compassionate, Lower pride is needed, Virgo : At work, through animals, possibly learning environments, professional environments, health environments. Youll never hear bullshit come out of their mouths because they have already planned it out so well. A shitty Composite chart, does not mean the relationship is unable to last, however it will come with a fair amount of challenge that needs to be overcome. [_wpnonce] => Objectivity is needed, Sagittarius : Possibly during emergencies, through adventurous endeavors, through school or learning environments. If you have chiron in retrograde im so sorry, you all neglected your pain in a past life & have to deal with strong pain very young. 12th House : A busy 12th house is very difficult in a composite chart, since its the house of the unconscious feelings and all things hidden, so there will be a lot of miscommunication between the two. They tend to like darker aesthetics. Because they do 100%! (They are like home). Together, they like to dive deeper and deeper into unknown and mysterious beliefs, cultures, territories, and ideas. Aries placements LOVEEE standing up forwhats right more than libras to be honest. Juno shows our long term relationships. While they tend to be seen as open- minded and they are, they tend to become very stubborn when crossed and savvy and hard to win arguments because they tend to charm it off easily as if it wasnt that serious, nonetheless they are very kind individuals and love upgrading themselves and tend to focus on the brighter parts of life for relief. Juno in 11th may result in a spouse in your friend-ship circle as well a spouse who could have social & internet fame. They tend to be very kind individuals and are never afraid of landing a hand to someone that needs it and people may try to take advantage of their kindness / humanitarian nature. Also this can also have positive aspects! Capricorn : At work, in professional environments, through colleagues. They may be used for popularity & their love & resources. The natives always find middle ground with each other, no matter how much they may disagree. Pluto in the 12th House Transit: They tend to have an eye for aesthetics and tend to love softer things / themes. But their masterlist u could look thru :D, Tessa I scroll thru their blog a lot. The mars person will do much in their power to protect the moons persons feelings. They are seen as peace makers but it is important to not underestimate them. They may specialize in sending you messages in relaxed outdoor settings like a butterfly or a literal bull. ASC), - Neptune rules 5th house), Sri Aurobindo - Mira Richard:Sun, Venus, Mars in 12th house(Venus rules 5th and 12th), Posts: 570From: MinnesotaRegistered: Jan 2012. They specialize in creative areas & water. Good mix of astro and tarot tips. You are brought down here to be dependable and hardworking and sensual. They tend to have luck when making things come true / manifesting. Pluto is all about gaining power and control- but intimate relationships in particular dont work if the partners are constantly trying to gain the upper hand. (Check other placements). On one hand, this placement can feel like an unbreakable family bond, on the other, it intensifies unconscious fears and insecurities. 18 degrees make someone extremely sharp-witted and intelligent. ( Libra in 7th). Aurobindo- Richard:Mercury in Gemini in 12th, me and my eldest friend:no 12th house planets, me and the other friend:Sun in 12th house, her and her man:uranus, Pluto in 12th (but no personals). Aries : Sports, common interests, environments that allow you to express yourself, adventurous places, possibly through common goals or through a spontaneous decision.Type : Active, self-sufficient, confident, impatient. Originally I found them thru tarot games lol. They tend to like making healthier habits for their friends. Pluto in 12th= Someone in the party wants to have all the control. Their mother could be somewhat dominant over them and very protective but usually wants the best for them. Composite Pluto in the 8th house leaves no stone unturned- which means that there will be a lot of fears, traumas, secrets and pain that resurface. They have a lot of hidden enemies who dont want them to succeed. They are very protective of you and their messages come from within your truest emotions. People usually trust Jupiter dominants when it comes to knowledge & information. Youre sad and need validation? Communication is needed, Leo : Environments through creative expression, through children, childhood friends, school friends, through siblings, speed dating. Neptune in 3rd / Pisces in 3rd is a psychic placement! Venus in Aries may like playing uninterested at times to see if the person is really down for them. You can rely on them for advice. They should be careful however of saying anything that sounds too forceful. We moved in together and even though right now we are "fighting" we are still living together. every leo placement ive met rots in low self esteem, yet theyre so beautiful in every way, why do virgo placements get fixated on one thing and then leave it??? With composite Pluto in their 9th house, danger lies in dogmatism. If you have pisces/ libra / aries anywhere Im just gonna assume you fangirl over anime characters. Adding onto Sagittarius placements is that they have very good learning ethics. They tend to be very blunt and authoritative to the public eye and people tend to see them as someone who isnt scared of the truth. It's no fun for him for the most part. Harmonious cooperation and mutual input is needed. They tend to be very kind individuals and are never afraid of landing a hand to someone that needs it and people may try to take advantage of their kindness / humanitarian nature. Six Planets Changing Signs In March, 2023: Dates & Details. They help you in every day logical manners such as work & routine. A busy 8th house shows a very deep bond between two people. These are the type of lovers to be extremely soft with one another. They could be somewhat timid but that doesnt mean you should underestimate their abilities. They tend to love the idea of romance and could have high standards, nonetheless they are highly loyal especially when it comes to romantic connections, even if they like to have fun at times, theyre very loyal and charm others easily. If you had good karma from a past life time thats what you shall receive, if you had some bad karma to work out there would be some work youd have to do in this earth, what youre called to do. I dont even know how to explain like yall look wealthy. What's it like? The Sun here could mean a couple of things such as the two natives working together on a daily basis/ one automatically taking on the role of serving the other, which could lead to an unevenness within a relationship. Youre probably scared of even going to the grocery store at times. Chiron is the wounded healer and can either heal or cause more harm. Your spirit is from a higher intelligence and very playful with their approaches, they love to see you smile and hate to see you upset. This placement brings a level of depth and intensity to their mental connection. Uranus in 3rd tells me that you are consideredthe weird kid but are hella fucking smart. They redirect you with healthy choices wether its food, relationships, etc. Their sexual appeal could be a bit hidden at first but it tends to be very perfect in other people eyes, they tend to have very fit / healthy bodies. You are brought down here to learn how to be practical and logical and to have a healthy approach to life. Career oriented couples and business partnerships can greatly benefit from this placement. By default, the composite chart is calculated using the Derived Ascendant method of calculation, and you can change the default to the Ascendant Method or MC Method if desired. Spirit in Aries: Ruled by Mars, your spirit is quite aggressive, courageous, sexual. This is because with this placement, couple brings their own individual 4th house baggage in order to merge as one. Youll never see a Capricorn placement sticking out their nose where it doesnt belong and I truly admire that. Virgo placements get scared when things are going good because they think itll just get bad again. I see more aesthetics post from them rn but if u look thru their blog good content is there :D, Venus I miss. Composite 12th house in Pisces= Hard to tap into intution with this relationship. Composite Pluto essentially highlights what makes or breaks a connection. When the native has Juno in 8th or Scorpio Juno (Not the same but may manifest similarly) their spouse is most likely gonna be a big part of their lives. 1st House Chiron in the 1st house says that you feel there's something wrong with your body or personality in general The Composite First House : The Composite First House is much like the Natal 1st House ; it is the face by which the . It trines the Moon and sextiles Venus as well. Man and woman can coexist Sun conjunct/trine Uranus = True unconditional love, unusual connectionSexual chemistry = Aspect between the rulers of 5th & 8th5th ruler and 8th ruler conjunct = Active and good sex Sun in 7th = Indicate lovers or enemies Moon in 4th or 7th = Best position for a relationship or marriage Venus in 4th or 7th = Best placement for relationship and marriage Venus opposite ASC = True love, marriage Venus-Mars = Sexual attraction & balance Venus-Moon = Emotional balance Jupiter conjunct DSC = Mutual understanding & support Neptune conjunct Jupiter = Soulmates, spiritual Sun-ASC or ASC ruler = Chance for survival Juno in 1 or 7th = Meant to be Juno conjunct DSC = Meant to be, Difficult aspects on the long run A lot of square aspects = Very intense and challenging relationship 5th ruler and 8th ruler square = Lifeless sex, weird uncomfortable vibe, friction but can give passion too Planets in 12th house = Underlying dynamics that disrupt the connection, dormant potentials Mars conjunct/square/opposite Saturn = Sexual distance. Moon- Mars synastry makes the mars individual very protective over the moon person. "Pluto is the planet of death and rebirth, regeneration, obsession, fanatical behavior, power and the abuses of power. Other people may perceive them either as powerful or ruthless, depending on how they integrate their Pluto energy. Leo venuses will always remind you how much you mean to them and they are very big softies but they dont let people know this easily because the last thing they want is for people to know their soft spots. 12th/Pisces :Learning about the psyche, sacrificial love. Others might react weirdly to your struggles. (Check whole chart), Virgo placements love the little things in life and when something little becomes somewhat chaotic is why theyre prone to breakdowns or seen as perfectionist. The placement of Ceres (1) in the composite chart shows the type of love you and your partner can naturally give unconditionally. [_wpnonce] => Cancer placements love doing traditional things! Ex; Akashi in 3rd in composite chart: (Specific set of words exchanged will never be forgotten by one another). They are very good advice givers because of their analytical nature. They go through a lot though, I just wanna say I love you.