He allegedly coordinates drug dealing activities in several areas such as: Libertad, Posadas del Sol, Las Fuentes, Prados del Tepeyac, Las Brisas, and Benito Jurez. BLING88 adalah situs game slot online yang menawarkan pengalaman bermain yang menyenangkan dan menghasilkan uang asli. DESCRIPTION: The state of Sonora is a strategic location for drug trafficking given its proximity to the US state of Arizona. This page was last edited on 28 November 2022, at 14:11 (UTC). (, ) His group has an alliance with the Caborca cartel. Colabora con el . Salazar alias el Alfredillo y Ovidio Guzmn Lpez alias el Ratn o Nuevo Ratn, eso se termin y ahora el Narco de Narcos . Never fails. Autos Autos. Chapo Alfredo also has strong Beltrn Leyva (BLO) associations, as his brother Trinidad Olivas Valenzuela alias Chapo Trini was allegedly a BLO plaza boss. (, PROFILE: El Monkey allegedly directly reports to El Castro and serves as the execution arm on Castros behalf. He was executed by a hitman while he was in the parking lot of his restaurant in Obregon city on July 25 2020. He allegedly coordinates drug dealing activities in several areas such as: Libertad, Posadas del Sol, Las Fuentes, Prados del Tepeyac, Las Brisas, and Benito Jurez. ZETA alleges Federal Police detected that he was able to direct an organized crime group from inside prison but they were unable to prove it. (, PROFILE: One of the Meraz brothers. Michoachangos always crying about how Sinaloa snitches pero ni quien los pele. In 1985, Rafa was arrested and sentenced . La propiedad donde estaba este centro de espionaje es propiedad de Martin Quintero Payan, quin segn la DEA es lder de la organizacin criminal El Crtel de . Lo que ningn vecino de Caborca comprende es cmo un convoy de ese tamao pudo pasar por . (Source) Similar to El Castros alleged background, some social media users claim that El Monkey was a Secretara de Marina (SEMAR) soldier prior to becoming a hitman in service of La Plaza. La "narco-guerra" que actualmente se desarrolla en el norte de Sonora entre los grupos del crimen organizado conocidos como Los Salazar, aliado del Crtel de Sinaloa y el grupo de Caborca que dirige Rodrigo Omar Paz Quintero, de 44 aos de edad, sobrino de Rafael Caro Quintero, tiene como epicentro un territorio donde se asienta una gran veta de oro. A voice note emerged in which El Barbas expressed his discontent for a fellow member of La Barredora, El Canton. OTHER NAMES: Los Siete Demonios (, In 2013 when Caro Quintero was released from jail, he and Chapn are believed to have reconnected. In July 2020, a four-day shootout broke out in Ures near El Negros home. El R is the nephew of both Miguel and Rafael Caro Quintero. And he concludes: "They want to snatch these towns away from their opponents and the authority knows it and turns a blind eye and doesnt stop them, they keep doing and undoing with impunity, affecting the population.". (, ) He has been accused of being involved in the September 2019 arson that killed two children in Empalme, along with El Picipi. Tras la detencin de uno de los narcotraficantes mexicanos ms buscados por EE.UU, una de las agrupaciones criminales ms recientes buscarn su hegemonia en los municipios de Caborca, Guaymas y Magdalena de Kino, en el estado mexicano de Sonora. Notable Figures articles try to focus on contemporary cartel operators that have had major relevance within the last five years. The cartel is made up of several members of the Caro Quintero clan. The Caborca Cartel, also known as the Sonora Cartel, is a criminal group based in the northern state of Sonora and reportedly led by infamous drug kingpin Rafael Caro Quintero. Todo indica que el "Narco C5" estaba al servicio del Crtel de Caborca, cuyo lder criminal en Quintana Roo sera Martn Quintero, sobrino de Jos Gil Caro Quintero. At the time of its discovery, it reportedly contained the charred remains of 27 people at the time. Ask the government for help. OTHER NAMES: N/ADESCRIPTION:Los Gigios is a Sinaloa Cartel group based in Nogales and its surrounding areas. He continues: "Those responsible for everything are (Felipe de Jesus Sosa Canisales (sic)" El Gigio and / or Yiyo ", Leonardo Lpez" El 20 ", Ramn Quintero Pez" El Tiko ", Jos Gil Caro Quintero, Rafael Caro Quintero Rodrigo Pez Quintero) ". Sorry People listen to Almo there is no Narco Volience. Have his pals at the DEA ask Felix Rodrguezhe may know 7:23 today's DEA may be a Corrupt Racqueteer Influenced Organization bossed around by the CIA, but they have never been "pals" with felix ismael Rodriguez mendigutia, cuban refugee, CIA asset, contra nicaragense, drug trafficker and a soldier in more than a thousand operations, partner of his honduran boyfriend juan ramon Mata ballesteros and german rat line escapee in Bolivia Klaus Barbie who ordered the kidnapping torture and murder of Kiki Camarena, one REAL DEA AGENT like Sandy Gonzales, Hector Berrellez, Phil Jordan, Cele Castillo and Michael Levine That guy Rodriguez the Cuban working for CIA killed Che Guevara and like camarena. (Source), POSITION: Second in Command - Former (Source), PROFILE: El Pablito was believed to be the second in command of the Caborca organization, under Rafael Caro Quintero and El R. He is the nephew of Rafael Caro Quintero. PROFILE: He is a close associate of Chapo Alfredo and considered to be his right hand man. [4][5] Since the beginning of 2020, various drug messages awarded to the Caborca Cartel commonly left after armed confrontations, stating that Caro Quintero comes through the territories that "belong to him. Socios de Expedia pueden ahorrar hasta el 30% al agregar un hotel a su vuelo. RCQ and his guys are known for kidnapping underage girls for sex parties and then dissolving them in acid after they have served their purpose. In the early 2000s, Los Paez was headed by Octavio Paez Soto, the right-hand man of Miguel Angel Caro Quintero. (, ) Vanguardia asserts that this November 2020 homicide, which is allegedly captured on video, was due to Pablito believing the homicide victim had stolen an Xbox from his possession. They primarily operate in the southern regions of Sonora state such as Cajeme, Vacuum and Navojoa. Reports say that El Gigio and El 20 have several drug plantations in the area. Chapo Trini and the Los Olivas group is believed to be behind the execution of Tomas Tovar Rascon, Tito Torbellino, in May 2014. His organization began with fee collection (cobra de piso) on owners of video game machines, cigarette vendors, the fees have escalated to affect small merchants and those of the Yaqui tribe. El video fue compartido en la pgina Art. Over the years, the organization absorbed local crime cells and operates more like an ecosystem of different factions with respective plaza bosses. En Caborca, Sonora, fueron colocadas un par de narcomantas con mensajes al presidente Andrs Manuel Lpez Obrador, quien realiza una gira de tres das por la entidad. The organization is reportedly headed by Juan Pablo and Antonio Tony Quintero Navidad, relatives of Rafael Caro Quintero. In May 2013, the United States Department of the Treasury designated El Gigio under the Kingpin Act for alleged organized crime activity. . PROFILE: He is believed to be a high-ranking cartel member based in Ures, Sonora. They move around here with impunity doing and undoing things while affecting the townspeople. Skipped town went to mex, did his thing to get where he is now (give him credit for getting to where he is now) but he's no one. Mi troka no quema cuh porque no tengo, ando apenas en mi GT PERFORMER y t pelo de tlacuache te queda al por ser el #1, Comments are moderated, refer to policy for more information.Enva fotos, vdeos, notas, enlaces o informacin Todo 100% Annimo;borderlandbeat@gmail.com. Pura gente del sombrero, My comment before the one about 6-3 didnt get posted I guess but in it I explained exactly what my source is fuckhead, Shame El Durango didnt get to finish the job. Los Gigios is a Sinaloa Cartel group based in Nogales and its surrounding areas. (Source, Source, Source), La Plaza has an armed cell known as xS, not to be confused with "Los Xs" the Tamaulipas/Chihuahua organization which is entirely different. Trade mark of Snitchaloas. Residentes del municipio externaron como sufrieron las horas de zozobra a travs de videos. (, PROFILE: He is believed to be the head of sicarios in Guaymas. Ante dicha situacin, el actual alcalde de Caborca dio a conocer que el municipio ser sometido a un toque de queda este mircoles, el cual dar inici a las 22:00 horas y concluir a primeras horas del da siguiente, esto con el fin de garantizar la seguridad de los habitantes. Sonora.- Caborca, ciudad sonorense al noroeste de Sorona, . DESCRIPTION:The Caborca Cartel, also known as the Sonora Cartel, is a criminal group based in the northern state of Sonora and reportedly led by infamous drug kingpin Rafael Caro Quintero. The sons of Joaqun "El Chapo" Guzmn are fighting for control of the area with the Caborca Cartel, led by . You're probably replying to yourself. (, PROFILE: One of the Meraz brothers. At present, the group has a bloody dispute with the Los Salazar criminal cell, identified as the armed wing of the Sinaloa Cartel. (. (, ) In December 2020, El Picipi was accused of organizing the creation of a clandestine crematorium that was discovered in Guaymas. He was apprehended by the US government on October 11, 2017 at the San Ysidro International Gate, California. You're tripping bro This man really said the washed up boxer turned Narco Speedy mares is bigger than Ramon Arellano Felix, a founding member of the original CAF. Caro Quintero: Tribunal ratifica que el "Narco de Narcos" no puede ser extraditado a EU sin proceso previo Una vez libre, el llamado "narco de narcos", fund una organizacin criminal a la que denomin "Crtel de Caborca", precisamente porque sus operaciones abarcan esa zona fronteriza del estado de Sonora, y con el que hace frente al grupo criminal denominado "Los Salazar", brazo armado del Crtel de Sinaloa en aquella regin. According to the news outlet Milenio, the Caborca Cartel took shape in 2017 after Quintero allegedly called a . Haha "Speedy is bigger than RAMON ARELLANO FELIX ever was" haahahaha damn . Los hechos supuestamente ocurrieron en Caborca, Sonora, segn el reporte ciudadano que divulg el portal El Observador, aunque un usuario refut y dijo que se trataba de un video viejo, cuya escena sucedi en Michoacn. PROFILE: He reports to Juan Pablo Quintero and Tony Navidad, the leaders of the Guaymas, Empalme area for the Caborca cartel. Dos hombres, quienes supuestamente eran integrantes del Crtel de la Barredora que actualmente tiene un convenio con Rafael Caro Quintero alias el Narco de Narcos y que en conjunto se hacen . Wheres the proof hes involved ? On a per capita basis, Caborca was the 21st most violent municipality in Mexico last year with a total of 102 homicides, according to data compiled by crime monitoring website elcri.men. Their local boss is Felipe de Jess Sosa Canizales, alias El Gigio. You're the same nutthugger who was really sad that Speedy Mares wasn't posted on the "High Ranking Cartel Members in Baja California" a couple months back right?? He is suspected of being behind the murder of police officer Carlos Omar Aguilar Alard in Laguna de Nairani. (, ) Some social media users have connected El Chapo Peln to the recent June 2021 execution of Jesus Huerta Miranda in Morelos la Cruver and the June 2021 immolation of 3 day laborers Campo Santa Ins. Always the idiots who want to be "the guy" so bad they don't see the rope they tie around their own neck for someone else. La guerra entre narcos por apoderarse de territorios en Mxico no para. The other municipalities make up the Yaqui Valley region of Sonora. (Source) Early in his life, he operated in Jalisco and Morelos, mainly as a lieutenant to some major capo. Other known associates of El 20 include "El Coyotito and "El 6-3", who leads the region surrounding Hermosillo with El Negro previously reporting to him. Son of Emilio Quintero Payan, brother of Emilio Sajid Quintero, alias El Cadete, and the cousin of Rafael Caro Quintero. The idiot Speedy Mares , never had nothing in life, gets his 10 minutes of fame, Flaquito has less heat and his name is mentioned less. I couldnt believe what I was reading. (, He is alleged to be the head of sicarios for El Picipis La Plaza group. (Source), He as been tied to Sonora Sinaloa Cartel figures such as El Jabal and El Negro Sabori. He and his brother El Indio were executed by a lone gunman in Ciudad Obregon, Sonora on January 11, 2020 (Source, Source), POSITION: Plaza Boss of San Ignacio Rio Muerto - Former (Source), PROFILE: One of the Meraz Brothers He was the plaza boss of San Ignacio Rio Muerto. He was alleged on social media to be a drug trafficker for Los Antenas on the side. Adems, la polica de Sonora detall que en el vehculo donde fueron asesinadas las dos personas se encontraron drogas y que se inici la investigacin por los hechos.. En los videos que circulan en redes sociales se observa a los alumnos del Centro de Bachillerato Tecnolgico Industrial y de Servicios (CBTIS) 37 ubicado en Cajeme resguardarse ante los disparos que se escuchaban muy cerca. El 3 de junio de este ao, cuando el presidente Lpez Obrador fue a Caborca, Sonora, . At the time of his arrest it was said that an important route of drugs and weapons operating between Nogales Sonora and Phoenix, Arizona was discovered by law enforcement authorities as a result. Enfrentamientos entre el Crtel de Sinaloa y un grupo local aterrorizan a la poblacin. 7Mo el Observador de Caborca, en el que se ve a dos elementos de la GN consumiendo cocana, incluso uno de ellos toma la droga que le da una persona que estaba sentada detrs de un tinaco. Robert Patterson, the acting administrator of the DEA, has said Caro Quintero returned to leading a drug trafficking empire, saying Hes not just an old man trying to live out his final days. I write that on here as a joke but hes bigger than Ramon ever was, Bigger than An Arellano Felix brother?! He's wanted by LAPD for drug sales, bailed out with part of the 10% bail not even the full. One person was killed and two more were kidnapped. He has been linked to many executions, kidnappings, robberies and extortion operations in and around Caborca municipality. Un grupo armado de al menos 20 camionetas entr a #Caborca, #Sonora, y tomaron la ciudad durante seis horas. En la actualidad el grupo tiene una sangrienta disputa con la clula delictiva . Look up his corridos lol. (, Jos Silverio was the leader of Los Siete Demonios The FGR and SEDENA arrested him in September 2020 alongside nine of members of Los Demonios. Most town folks don't have that kind of money to throw away when they could just write them on sheets or some3which would be way more cost effective. DESCRIPTION:Cajeme is a valuable region to control as it contains Obregn city, which is the second largest city in Sonora. Los Paleteros were led by Felix Adolfo Jauregui Meza, alias "El Paletero," who was killed in 2013. La Plaza has an armed cell known as xS, not to be confused with "Los Xs" the Tamaulipas/Chihuahua organization which is entirely different. POSITION: Leader in Name for the Caborca Cartel ALIAS: Don Rafa NAME: Rafael Caro Quintero OTHER ALIASES: El Charral, El Grenas, Narco de Narcos (Source) STATUS: Active PROFILE: Rafael Caro Quintero was born on October 3, 1952 in La Noria, Sinaloa. ; Text is available under the Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike License 3.0; additional terms may . As fueron grabados dos guardias nacionales supuestamente consumiendo cocana en #Caborca, #Sonora. Abraham Mier relat que los supuestos sicarios de la delincuencia organizada irrumpieron en varios domicilios, realizaron disparos contra fachadas de viviendas y se llevaron a un grupo indeterminado de pobladores. (, He as been tied to Sonora Sinaloa Cartel figures such as El Jabal and El Negro Sabori. He was one of the three co-founders of one of Mexicos most powerful cartels of the late 1970s and 1980s, the Guadalajara Cartel along with Miguel Angel Felix Gallardo and Ernesto Fonseca Carrillo, alias Don Neto. . In 2013, after Caro Quintero had served 28 years of his 40 year sentence, a Jalisco State court ruled Caro Quintero should be released on the basis that he had been improperly tried in a federal court for a crime that should have been treated as a state offense. He and his brother El Mankio were executed by a lone gunman in Ciudad Obregon, Sonora on January 11, 2020 (Source, Source, Source), PROFILE: El Primo was the cousin of El Antena and the owner of the restaurant "La Palapa Del Bucanero". He was alleged on social media to be a drug trafficker for Los Antenas on the side. But neither J3 or chango or you for ghat matter are leaders of the demonios, Lo del 6-3 y el soldado si est lnea . El J3 y el chango y los que salen en esta historia son puros pendejos que ponen para que den la cara. the only people who defend them are stupid pochos who say words like cuh and foo and drive ugly ass modded Chevy trucks with those hideous rims and garbage music blasting. Mr. Andres Manuel Lpez Obrador. CABORCA.- Un enfrentamiento armado que habra dejado como saldo ocho personas muertas, de ellas siete civiles y un militar, fue reportado en Caborca el domingo por la noche. (Source, Source, Source), PROFILE: Milko allegedly reported directly to Caborca Cartel boss Chapo Alfredo. Los informes prevn que habr otro arribo del mismo grupo criminal en la noche. Note: As of 2020 the DEA considered the cartels of . By far I think these aliases have been the best in these Notable Figures reports. ToppzzzzzAnd you have to go wash your knickers. La Barredora 24/7 is often referred to as an armed wing or faction of the Caborca Cartel. El Picipi, the leader of La Plaza, reports to him and his brother, Juan Pablo. In February 2021, La Cara was accused of attacking the home of the grandmother of El Durango from Los Cazadores. Constantes estruendos de rfagas de armas de fuego de grueso calibre y reportes de caravanas de vehculos con hombres armados, hicieron que los habitantes de esa regin del desierto, vivieran una noche de terror. "[6] It was until January 2021 when federal intelligence sources confirmed that Caro Quintero runs the cartel. La captura este viernes de Rafael Caro Quintero ha estado precedida . Tambin asegur que las 11 patrullas estaban en acciones de vigilancia y alrededor de 40 agentes se encontraban atentos de los 104 que se desempean en funciones de seguridad y se distribuyen en diversos turnos. Speedy is a nobody next to Ramon. He operates primarily in the Las Golondrinas neighborhood. En 2021, Sonora registr 2,354 homicidios dolosos, siendo uno de los estados ms afectados por los asesinatos pese a tener . Hes an individual who continues to run a criminal organization. The FBIs acting deputy director said they believe Caro Quintero still resides in Mexico. DESCRIPTION: Los Olivas is an organization that is aligned and works under the Caborca Cartel. El enfrentamiento se produjo cuando los delincuentes intentaron rescatar al jefe de plaza de los llamados 'Chapitos' lue. He leads a group known as xS, an armed wing of La Plaza, alongside El Chapo Peln. Corridos such asEl Party del Chapo Trini report that the family has roots in Badiraguato, Sinaloa where many other Sinaloa Cartel kingpins originate. They, along with El Gigio, are believed to have participated in the Sinaloa Cartel cleansing of the Beltran Leyva organization in Agua Prieta, Nogales, Santa Ana, Tubutama area around 2009. Top down, not a detail spared. (Source, Source, Source), POSITION: Plaza Boss of the Port of Guaymas, NAME: [First Name Unknown] Quintero Navidad, PROFILE: He is the cousin of Juan Pablo Navidad and Rafael Caro Quintero. The Attorney Generals Office (FGR) secured an arrest warrant for El Pablito based on his probable participation in a homicide in Mexico City that occurred November 2020. He may get the rifles (cheap 3D printed guns) for his crew but he's nothing more than a Secretary for Flaquito. (, ) He was named as a Caborca Cartel leader in the 2021 narcomanta addressed to AMLO.