Sunday, March 9, 2025

Exploring The Benefits Of Migration In The Post Covid-19 Era To Retool The Global Economy – Canada

3rd JIFORM Global Migration Summit

Exploring The Benefits Of Migration In The Post Covid-19 Era To Retool The Global Economy – Canada

The third annual global migration summit of the Journalists International Forum For Migration (JIFORM) in partnership with the Abedorc Productions Inc, Toronto Canada, an event company and owners of Dorc Radio and Dorc Tv is an annual international migration conference. This event will be held between February 25-March 6, 2022 having been rescheduled from December 3-11, 2021.

THEME: Exploring The Benefits Of Migration Post Covid-19 To Retool Global Economy.

VENUE:  Est Hotels 1790 Albion Rd, Etobicoke, ON M9V 4J8, Toronto, Canada.

TARGET AUDIENCE: 100 fully vaccinated participants.

Other collaborators of the event include Medga Evers College, City University, New York City, USA, Home For the Needy, Edo State, Nigeria; Diaspora Innovation Institute, Federal University of Technology, Akure Ondo State, and the Nekotech Center for Labour Diplomacy, Ghana and others.

Venue: Toronto, Canada
February 25-March 6, 2022
Time: 11 am to 4 pm, Daily



The summit will consider the potentials inherent in migration as solution to the world economic order being ravaged by the pandemic. It will review critical challenges and discussion on this global interactive platform with intent to deepen the knowledge of the government, leaders, media practitioners, institutions and other stakeholders on migration trends and responsible reporting.

The discussions will explore the nexus between the desire to enhance social wellbeing and a country’s economic focus to highlight the role of migrants as economic developers and structure effective supports and responses to these shifting drivers of Labour Migration. It will attempt a review on migration policy and practice and is designed to build capacity both within media, governments and other sectors for strategic evaluation to better manage and report on all forms and impacts of mobility.

This is a path to meeting the new and emerging responsibilities that unfold to creating opportunities in home countries for youth and communities at risk, while also considering choices to migration, economic-social and cultural developments, and the right to freedom of movement of persons.


With both physical participation of participant from different countries and others connecting through zoom, this summit shall address squarely migration and development, facilitating migration, regulating migration, and forced migration.

The Cross-cutting activities to be analyzed include the promotion of international migration law, policy debate and guidance, protection of migrants’ rights, migration health and the gender dimension of migration. The hybrid summit participation model shall provide opportunities to review migration and economic prospects, challenges, and offer solutions to the changing dynamics impacting the economy.

Influential speakers have been invited from the IOM, European Union, African Union, Diaspora Innovation Institute, America and other migration agencies.  The conference in addition seeks to provide training opportunities for the media practitioners as purveyors of information germane to migration and governance.

Participants shall include top government officials, legislators, migration advocates, and workers on migration related matters, immigration officers, judges, lawyers, officials, religious leaders, academics, corporate institutions and their managers and others.

Highlights of the summit will include extensive exposés on the Verifiable Campaign of the United Nations germane to advancement of quality delivery from the media aimed at countering fake news as it relates to migrants and migration mismanagement in order to broaden the knowledge of all the participants.

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